An Inconvenient Truth Sees Daylight for Al Gore

V.P. Al Gore invests millions in green energy and for a marketplace for a Cap & Trade Exchange to buy and sell "energy credits."
I remember when Al Gore bragged that he created the Internet, a lie.
Al Gore had written in his book, 'An inconvenient Truth,' about all weather phenomena. It's not Global Cooling or Warming, but now labels changed to 'Climate Change.' It seems that weather was unpredictable being either too hot or cold or just in-between, hence 'Climate Change.' That book turned out to be a lie too.
Now Al Gore has created something too, except it is true this time. It is for more of the over-the-top big government regulation by harsh EPA regulations designed to stifle the energy market and drive prices up for users. But what you ask?...
V.P. Al Gore invested tens of millions of dollars in green energy projects not because they work, but the profit potential of 'credits' generated by EPA regulatory controls he can command. So, Al Gore and other wealthy investors establish the marketplace for a Cap & Trade Exchanges to buy and sell "energy credits." You will be limited to how much electricity you use or save through Federal government mandated allocations, you are literally fined with excess usage levies; but, if you use less, you can sell your unused credits in the Cap & Trade Exchange--Hello, Al Gore? By the way, they say that this practice provides an alternative source to create an additional supply, say what?
The global Cap and Trade Market potential is more frightening. If poorer nations begin 'Cap and Trade' to buy and sell their energy credits, which agency is really monitoring their useage and how can anyone determine there are credits ot not? What if China buys up all the trade credits from other nations so that they can continue growing manufacturing at current toxic levels and beyond? Even worse, the China scenario implies others like India, Russia will follow who are notorious polluters too.
On July 14, 2014 Brazil's Dilma Rousseff, India's Manmohan Singh, Russia's Vladimir Putin, China's Xi Jinping and South Africa's Jacob Zuma had a BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & So. Africa) leaders' meeting at the G20 Summit in Russia. They have set up a New Development Bank with it globally funded by a consortium of monies within their partnership to ensure economic stability should the U.S. dollar continue to fluctuate and to step away from dependence on the U.S. dollar and the World Bank which was more concentrated on European countries more than others. This move is ceding more U.S. power by the day to other international world powers.
Eventually the world will be controlled by this United Nations Energy Agency--refer to the U.N. Agenda 21 protocol that is lurking in the background that recently has driven the EPA controls over all water related issues. The only U.S. water regulations before were for our coastal trade ocean lanes, rivers dealing with commerce and transportation and lakes or reservoirs for drinking water. Water controls all aspects of your lives like: urban centers, where you live; food supplies, what you eat; manufacturing hubs, what you make; transportation, how you travel; and population growth, how many allowed. Not enough government in your lives yet?
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