Obama's True Marxist Approach

President Obama is a Marxist. Every time Obama has been threatened with being named a Marxist, eyes roll and the counter punches begin. However this time it is incontrovertible; he is a Marxist, but the Marx in question is Chico.
"Who are you to believe, me or your eyes?", asked Chico Marx in the 1933 comedy movie hit 'Duck Soup'.
As President Obama attempts to convince the electorate he has everything under control, Obama has the egotistical gall to ask, "Who are you going to believe, your viewpoint or what I tell you?"
All the voters have to do is open their own eyes. Look at all of the pending issues that are still not settled yet during the Obama Presidency:
- NSA Spying
- Benghazi Terrorist Attack
- National Border Security
- Illegal Aliens
- Immigration Policies
- U.S. Troop & Arms Withdrawals
- Islamic Global Caliphate Threat
- Obamacare
- AP Press records seizure by DOJ
- Foreign Policies failures
- National Debt Budget
- Veterans Administration Malpractices
- IRS Targeting Conservative Groups
- ATF Fast & Furious Gun Running Sting
- Environmental Protection Agency, EPA Program overreach
- XL Oil Pipeline, Coal Mining, Natural Gas Production

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