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Obama Exits as a Bamboozled, Befuddled Buffoon

Boy, Dilbert really spells it out and surely nails it down! There is no doubt about how his outrage was provoked by an absolute idiot who removes all doubt that he knows nothing when he opens up his mouth.

Wow, I know that I can match Dilbert's disdain for that "stupid is as stupid does" boss of his in the office. I can think of another boss who has not only opened his mouth, but he has inserted his foot into it many times too.

In the November 2012 Presidential race, iimplying that he single-handedly took care of the terrorist threat, Obama said, "Osama Bin Laden is dead and al Queda is on the run." The al Queda terrorists apparently didn't get his message yet.

In January 2014, about the terrorist Islamic State, IS, Obama has boasted, "The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant." Seeing recent middle East newscasts it appears they're in the NBA Finals game handedly overtaking the Lakers for the World Championship win. 

On a U.S. Navy carrier the crew had hung a banner on the side of the deck flight tower boasting "Mission Accomplished" as a backdrop while President G.W. Bush spoke on the Iraq War victories about toppling Sadam Hussein in Iraq. It appeared to be braggadocio as the mainstream press repeatedly ridiculed the message in ongoing coverage.

Not surprisingly the main stream media hasn't mentioned about the "Al Queda is on the run" and barely mentioned the Obama "jayvee team" Islamic State assessment nor have since because of the horrible atrocities now reported contradicting Obama's naive characterisation.

The self-proclaimed 'Islamic Caliphate', IS, controls 35,000 square miles which stretches from the Syrian-Turkish border, through northern Syria, across the Iraqi border down to south of Baghdad. Pentagon officials say, "IS now controls a volume of resources and territory unmatched in the history of extremist organizations. According to an IS spokesman, "We will only stop when we are raising our IS flag at the White House."

Does Obama speak from Ignorance or left-wing nut idealism? If al Queda threw the IS out of their territories for brutality and bloodlust, then their acts of extreme violence, like beheading, are obvious to everyone in the region as they murdered Muslims; Kurds, Shia and Sunni. Their sociopathic lunacy with no moral conscience is embedded within the Islamic State's DNA and yet their actions in Obama's analogy are as a 'jay vee' level of behavior? Wow! What does Obama consider as a 'varsity' level--shooting, raping, beating, sodomising, torturing, dismembering, hanging and killing?

So how is Obama going to handle this group? The U.S. State Department again reiterated Obama's 'coalition policy' which insists the Iraqi army must first rally Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds before we join in with our armed forces in order to fight the Islamic State regime. Will that happen when Hell freezes over or after a next 9/11 attack on U.S soil? The Islamic State promises it's coming and they've kept true to their word with our allies and friends. Isn't time that the United States of America government keep its word to defend the American people who depend upon their strong defense? There are no other organizations or countries to form a coalition with to fight for the American values and freedom--Obama, it's time to man up and do the job you were elected to do--lead, follow or get out of the way!

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