It's Laundry Day For Hillary! ...Every Day!

Hillary has not to date shown a detailed to-do-laundry list out to voters. Instead, Hillary just hangs out her dirty laundry on the Democrat party line! ...Here is some more dirty laundry:
Obama and Hillary are championing the same ole rhetoric about gun violence and a need for a bunch more rules and regulations. Now look at the following laundry list and then see below at the unwashed facts as they happened recently.
1. Need tighter registration to keep guns out of the hands of criminals. (Looks like that was done here)
2. Need more instructions of gun safety and handling gun. (Looks like that was done here)
3. Need to have gun-free zones set up to prevent guns from getting into the hands of criminals entering into protected areas. (Looks like that was done here)
Do any of these restrictions keep guns out of the hands of incompetent boyfriends who happens to be a cop, that dates a very jealous girlfriend who's a Whitehouse aide, in the gun-free zone of the U.S. capitol in Washington, DC? ...Do we got to write more laws up for all the D.C. cops and Obama aides too? Silly laws??? ...Hmnn.
I might add this dirty little story below never got above the waterline in the mainstream news cycle because it was watered down down through their rinse cycle, then spin-news cycle which ended sent out into the Press to iron out the wrinkles. Now that's a full-cycle laundry service! ...And the dumb voters hear no real news too!
Obama aide allowed to resign White House after assault charge on firing cop boyfriend's own gun in his direction over argument of affair
- Barvetta Singletary, 37, was arrested after allegedly firing her boyfriend's duty weapon when he would not give his cellphone passwords
- Singletary was a special assistant to the President and House legislative affairs liaison before she resigned
- She was never fired but was allowed to quit her job
- The White House said Singletary's access was immediately revoked after her arrest and she was placed on unpaid leave
Barvetta Singletary, 37 (pictured in a photo released by police), has resigned from her position at the White House
A White House staffer who was on unpaid leave after allegedly grabbing her boyfriend's gun and shooting at him during a tense argument resigned on Thursday.
Barvetta Singletary, a special assistant to the President and the House legislative affairs liaison, was arrested last Friday after the alleged incident. She was indicted on Thursday on charges of assault and reckless endangerment.
She yesterday offered the president her letter of resignation, CNN reports, effective August 28, and he accepted it.
The White House allowed her to resign rather than firing her.
Singletary was arrested after she reportedly confronted her boyfriend, a Capitol Hill police officer, about another woman he was seeing before grabbing his two cellphones and his .40 caliber Glock 23 service weapon, NBC reported.
When the officer refused to give Singletary his cellphone passwords, she took the gun and pointed it at him, saying: 'You taught me how to use this. Don't think I won't use it,' according to the arrest warrant.
Police said she pointed the duty weapon in his direction and fired one round.
The incident unfolded on Friday after Singletary summoned her boyfriend, who has not been identified, via text. She asked him to come to her home in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, for sex, the charging documents said.
Afterward, Singletary asked her boyfriend about another woman he was dating, CNN reports.
She then asked him to step outside and they both went to his car, according to investigators.
While inside the car, she asked to see his two cellphones. When he refused, she grabbed them and his duty weapon out of a bag and ran back inside her home as he followed in pursuit.
She fired one round and the officer fled her house and called police. Singletary was arrested without incident, authorities said.
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