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The DNC Bad Actors

Paid Actors fill seats in DNC Convention

Have you even read the U.S. Constitution? 

  • Khan was paid $25,000 by the Clinton campaign to speak at the DNC.
  • Speech was not written by Mr. Khan, but by two campaign staffers.
  • Copy of the US Constitution that Mr. Khan held up was bought only two hours before speech by a  female staffer, used solely as a prop & Khan returned the book afterwards.
  • 5 Gold Star families turned down the opportunity to speak before Khan was contacted by the Clinton campaign. All five families were paid $5,000 and signed a non disclosure.
  • Khan’s immigration law firm is in debt $1.7M and owes back taxes of upward $850,000 plus penalties.
  • CNN paid Khan over $100,000 to tell his “story” and repeated interviews across networks.
  • Khan was given a bonus of $175k by the DNC for his effort in the media.
  • IRS has since put Khan’s tax file on a “hold” status. 

Is this guy going to claim this on his taxes?? And doesn't this disgrace the memory of his son?? Talk about soulless...

All of these facts were fact-checked and sent out by:

Dr. Richard (Dick) Murphy. Associate Professor of Marketing, Davis College of Business, Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL 32211 

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