What's a Terrorist - A Duck?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a charismatic speech to AIPAC in Washington DC on March 5th, 2012. Netanyahu strongly defended Israel's right to defend itself and swore he would never allow Israel to be threatened by a nuclear Iran. He criticised Iran for pretending to develop nuclear technology for medical research, saying it wasn't logical for Iran to go to such extremes for medical science. The Israeli PM made his statement very clear, "Ladies and Gentlemen, if it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, then what is it? What is it? That's right, It's a duck. But this duck is a nuclear duck. And it's time the world started calling a duck a duck."
Biography: Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is an Israeli politician and the current Prime Minister of Israel. He serves also as a member of the Knesset, the Chairman of the Likud party, Foreign Affairs Minister and Minister of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs.
What's the President - a Duck?
In my case for Obama as a "Lame Duck" President:
If he looks like a duck, if he walks like a duck, if he quacks like a duck, then what is Obama? What is he? That's right, Obama is a duck. But this duck is a Lame Duck. And it's time the world started calling this Lame Duck a Lame Leader with feckless red-line rants with empty threats and punishing innuendos if any terrorists or ruthless regimes cross his so-called absolute boundaries, his permanent lines in the sand.
Obama's reports of the al Qaeda terrorist group's defeat are greatly exaggerated. Al Queda meanwhile mocks predictions of it's imminent defeat. Their tactics have changed due to drones and special forces teams driving the old core leadership underground. The newer terrorist affiliates on the Arabian peninsula like Somalia's al Shabaab or Islamic Maghreb are burgeoning threats such as the 2009 Christmas "underwear bomber", for instance.
The current resurgence has been sparked by the "Arab Spring" too. Don't forget, under Muslim Brotherhood LogoObama's ignorant foreign diplomacy program he dumped Egypt's Pro-American, President Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood Islamic terrorists and then rewarded them with new jet fighters and sophisticated weapons and bombs to attack others opposing the Islamic regime.
To further understand the institution of the Muslim Caliphate and how to maintain it would go a long way for the American people to learn why our democratic values will never be accepted. By those practicing Islamic tenets the extremism comes when the people substitute a political institution for themselves as the highest instrument and agent of God in the world relegating religion to the periphery of public life or excluding it and with it morality altogether. They call for the return of the Caliphate in its imperial form embodied with the Ottoman Empire disallowing sovereignty to any human institution in the place of the divine.
Our American self-governance is founded on truth and justice derived from a higher source than human dictate and political justice. George Washington understood the difference between "a democracy, the rule by the people", and "a republic, the rule by a document, the Constitution". Washington warned that he was bequeathing to future generations not a "democracy" but "a republic if you can keep it." Our society has worked pretty well considering the political pressures to change the written ruling Constitutional Laws that govern our country. Mob rule or prevailing majority pressures will always threaten these ruling principles too, so the acknowledgement of these onerous vulnerabilities should always bring about our awareness and vigilance to protect our freedom and rights - the Supreme Court does not rewrite Constitutional Laws!
Ironically, our American Constitution that we honor and obey is being counter-attacked by Islamists on the same arguments we uphold. We base our "republic" on our written Constitutional laws just as the Islamic global guidance, "khilafa", recognizes the fundamental rights of the nation above the state, "shura", and should be the primary determinants of a nation's governing values and therefore its unwritten consensus, "ijma". The Muslims want to replace our Constitutional laws with their Islamic Sharia laws as the rules of our societies. "Therein lies the rub" - We can have no other laws except the Laws of Islam in the Quran.
"Therein lies the rub
For in that sleep of death we know not what dreams may come...."