A Fort Hood "Workplace Violence Shooting' Again?

The first shooting in November 2009 on the Texas military base of the murder of thirteen people was attributed to 'workplace violence' as the Obama administration did not want to use the words 'Islamic extremist' about Major Nidal Hasan to avoid ethnic Muslim backlash. That poorly misplaced concern actually masks the real underlying problem that the United States faces going into the future, 'Islamic Muslim extremists.'
The Obama administration in their zeal to cover up this truth actually has forever buried their own argument for attacking our second amendment by naming it 'workplace violence' too. Therefore, since Nidal Hasan was not motivated by his Islamic zealotry but instead by some kind of an obtuse anger management issues, his actions were literally insane. It follows that being insane, Hasan falls into the pejorative category with others as 'certifiable nut-jobs' that have massacres around our country during the Obama administration. One cannot argue that any gun laws or confiscation of firearms will administrate or prevent any insane persons incapable of knowing from right or wrong to access weapons.
All of these massacres were atrocities carried out in sanitized environments, almost in a laboratory settings, because these were 'gun-free zones' where no weapons were allowed. All Weapons were 'clinically removed' by prevailing guns laws in movie theatres, school campuses and military bases and signage at points of entries of all facilities disclose gun laws which ban them in these areas too. These facilities with restrictive laws and no guns are the ideal 'perfect environment' that the anti-NRA advocates seek for the entire world. What element are they missing to guarantee complete compliance? These places are all 'soft targets', with the people inside vunerable to attack because they have no weapons to fight back. How about 'conceal and carry' licenses for citizens' self-protection? That would ensure immediate personal safety and defensive action to quickly counter any eminent assault. How about Obama signing an executive order to recind the Department of Defense Directive 5210.56 gun ban to carry sidearms on military bases? It dates back to 1992 under H.W. Bush, subsequently signed by Bill Clinton too.
Fast forward to April 2014, another Ft, Hood shooting occurs. Spc. Ivan Lopez murders three people and wounded sixteen more. Now what is this murderer's sorry excuse? He was troubled because he didn't get more time off to mourn after his mother's death; had complained of PTSD, post traumatic syndrome disorder, even though he had no active combat experience but an overpowering fear after an insurgent attack in Iraq; and had hatred that consumed him after getting robbed. Before the afternoon shooting, Lopez stopped at the post's personnel office to pick up a leave form and was told to come back and apparently he didn't want to hear that, so he came back and just opened fire. And so, Ivan lost his crazy mind as he just went off and took out all his frustrations on innocent military personnel.
The real issue here is for an immediate medical diagnosis and timely treatment for the mentally ill. They have to be identified and treated either as an out patient or institutionalized for closely monitored ongoing treatment. Ivan Lopez's treatment was undoubtedly a complex issue when blended with privacy laws, gun laws, base procedures, DOD policies coupled with an overburdened military healthcare bureaucracy. The bottom line is it's still no reason to blame violence on guns since they do not have brains, crazy people have lost their brains which leaves thinking people to act, not to politicize to further castrate our current gun ownership under the second amendment ~ If public code laws do not compel obedience, then personal gun laws effectuate compliance and protection.