Obama Duplicates Past Mistakes

So here we go... Hitler then ISIS? If this history is copied into this generation we would have a 'Generation Xerox.' So here we are... History is duplicated again! Why has the White House underestimated the ISIS Islamist terrorist threats that fomented and metastasized into a massive festering deadly tumor like the Nazis? Why has President Obama referred to the ISIS fighters as 'militants' and 'rebels' instead of 'terrorists'? Why has President Obama minimized the ISIS worldwide threat even further by referring to them as a 'Jayvee team'?
It is certainly obvious that Obama is working way above his pay grade as he appears to be clueless on who is the real enemy. However, he may be on game too by pitching a soft sell on the word 'terrorist' in other terms so he deliberately avoids the truth with the American people about the "T" word, 'terrorist', which is evil and must be killed. Obama is then tailoring this narrative to match his passive foreign military policy of 'no boots on the ground' and 'al Queda is on the run' in order to leave ongoing wars against 'terrorists' that have no 'terrorists' to shift the national political focus over to his unfinished, domestic agenda. After all, Obama still has his signature Obamacare act on life support; an immigration reform bill stuck on the border fences; energy programs stalled on top of drilling rigs and in the XL pipeline with coal mines to be closed to kill an industry; more EPA job-killing regulations pending further legislative approvals; and Presidential executive orders waiting for signatures to further bypass more Constitutional congressional oversight.
Obama has always championed cooperation with U.N. global partners to persuade countries to obey international rules of law or conform to acceptable norms of conduct. Under the auspices of the rules for U.N. rebuke and punishment on bad behavior, Obama has conducted formal punitive actions against U.N. member nations by delivering general assembly U.N. admonishments, making formal U.N. Declarations and seeking U.N. Sanctions. These actions were clearly backed up with all the prestige of the U.N. Organization and full military power of the U.N. peace keeper forces. ...So did you fall out of your chair laughing so hard at this joke of a U.S. Foreign Policy Plan to handle rogue nations and tough issues?
When U.N. embargoes deepened in 2010 and 2012, concerns over preventing Iran's nuclear program for enrichment beyond peaceful power plants created international markets to withdraw from Iran. It was further hit with Western sanctions which included shipping embargoes, trade restrictions and business banking transaction limitations. Were these non-military actions effective and did they accomplish their intended goals, yes or no? It depends only if the sanction pressures remain in place by all the International partners until Iran stops their nuke production. What reality scenario could unravel Obama's attempt to stop the Iranian plutonium enrichment program? ..."Sprechen sie Deutsch?"
So where is Obama's tough talk now on those punishing sanctions to stop the Iranian nuclear arms production? Anger over Russia's role in the Ukrainian conflict and the shooting down of the Malaysian airliner has cooled German foreign investment in Russia. Ongoing rumors leaking out of the U.S.-Iran talks are about encouraging more sanctions relief to motivate Iran in working to prevent further nuclear development. So in seeking a safer investment haven, those companies all across Germany have quietly rekindled once-strong ties with Iran. Sparking the interest among businesses is the opportunity to tap into 77 million potential consumers that may open with a booming market soon as the U.S. embargoes gets lifted. Say what? I guess that is just one more 'red line' that now got erased too?
The United States is lead by a feckless, castrated, impotent warrior: Obama has now removed all doubt--the Emperor indeed has no clue or clothes!