Debbie does Dallas as She Screws with the Truth

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Baffles Anderson Cooper
Call it denial - complete denial as Debbie Wasserman Shultz was grilled by CNN Reporter Anderson Cooper. It is certainly refreshing to watch her squirm as she gets a smarmy know--it-all grin as if to say, "I can say any lie I want and no reporter will question me in this liberal news reporting cycle of today." In just the first minute of the interview Debbie realizes she is in trouble - just look at the shock on her face and nervous angry stares in her eyes while being caught quite off guard by her inquisiter, another liberal. Oh, for shame Debbie!
Time: 07:08
Regardless of whether or not you agree with Anderson Cooper’s politics, the guy is arguably one of the last real journalists left in the mainstream media. During his CNN show on Thursday, August 23, 2012 the host proved that during his “Keeping Them Honest” segment where he ripped into Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) for “misquoting” a Los Angeles Times article in a fundraising email, in which she attempted to tie GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s abortion stance to Rep. Todd Akin’s. Akin came under fire this week from all sides for arguing that women’s bodies can prevent pregnancies in cases of “legitimate rape.”
Cooper was persistent in trying to coax an apology out of Schultz, but she remained defiant throughout the entire segment.
The email in question argued that the GOP “just voted to embrace Akin’s position by including a constitutional ban on all abortions — even in cases of rape or incest — in their 2012 platform.”
Schultz also criticizes Romney and his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) in the email for “saying they don’t entirely agree with that plank.” Cooper then addressed the LA Times quote that Schultz used to make her point, which he says she “misquoted.” From the email:
“…but guess what? The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that the platform was, and I quote, ‘written at the direction of Romney’s campaign.’”
Those exact words did actually appear in the LA Times, Cooper explained, but Schultz took them “completely out of context.”
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