Net Neutrality - Don't Troll on Me!

Obama's "Net Neutrality" Program to provide freedom of access is a total sham! Barring the possibility of not getting it approved by the FCC Board, Obama is feverishly directing the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, to rein in the Internet into a public utility entity before the "stupid voters" realize what he has done. This action would automatically bring it under immediate political controls of the Federal Government Laws on how businesses or individuals conduct themselves on the Internet. Applicable state, federal, local taxes will be charged on any utility services which will only add to monthly internet access charges--what a tax boondoggle and annual $Billion Federal tax revenue stream. It further offers Obama unbridled FCC regulations to be imposed without the interference of the Congress as a body to provide any public stop-gap check on FCC overreach on privacy or web content bans.
Up to present, ICANN has all been conducted as a private U.S. based, non-government entity. ICANN, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, is the technical coordination body. ICANN primary objectives which always have been non-political since its inception, has been ensuring the stability of the Internet's system of assigned names and numbers without the purvue of any legislation or sovereignty.
Now, Obama has a political movement afoot, effective July 2015, to turn over the U.S. registration of all Internet registered users from our U.S. base to a U.N. international body with an "independent governing board." Why is this move necessary now? That's an easy answer: Many countries see $Billions in taxes and want to levy international "access Internet fees" on users. All of the totalitarian governments cannot control their populations any longer with their propaganda with the unbridled access to facts, 24 hour news cycle, You Tube, blogs and social media. It is true that some information is either unfactual, malicious, sketchy at best or rumor where irresponsible speculation exists. But, that's how the "word of mouth" has operated over thousands of years and how all generations told stories, only now it is instantaneous. So today subversive or repressive regimes operating within the shadows cannot hide under the bright lights of the Internet era and they want the freedom of information curtailed or crushed.
A perfect example of a totalitarian regime's abuse is the way Facebook’s detection systems work. Once a post is reported by enough users—no matter the content, intent or who is reporting it—the post is marked as a "terms-of-use violation." As it happens, the Iranian regime, much like the Chinese and Russian governments, is adept at mobilizing trolls to report activity it doesn’t like. Facebook inadvertently becomes the morality police, and that will always work to the advantage of these tyrants.
Well-intentioned Facebook policies are designed for U.S. Constitutional values such as the prohibition on anonymous users which malign or attack other individuals. However, Facebook inadvertently has kicked off thousands of activists who use pseudonyms to protect their own safety. Whistleblowers, advocates for political prisoners, rally leaders, labor activists, feminists and bloggers all use the platform to organize without detection. But in addition to eluding dictators, these activists must also worry that Facebook employees (or data machines) in Menlo Park, Calif., will detect that their names are not real and have trouble getting their official page “verification” from Facebook, something that could help protect users from threats and troll attacks from those draconian regime governments.
Facebook and others have a challenge to remain free of this corruption. I believe that also starts by keeping ICANN as a U.S. based organization, not as a utility company, to maintain its own integrity--it's neither right or left, Republican or Democrat, Red State or Blue State, it's the United States--sound familiar?