Kill Islamic Terrorists Down to their Pet Goats

"In the last 100 years the Middle East has exported only oil and terrorism, nothing else has been exported.", as reported Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters, Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, in an interview during an assessment of those countries. Lt. Col. Peters pointed out that besides oil they have produced no viable export goods for resale; developed any real public infrastructure to support commerce like highways, roads, sewers, bridges, railroads, public housing; built schools for general education levels.
They actually have not contributed in the past 1,500 years to any further significant scientific discoveries or technologies beyond the abacus, hooka and coffee bean.
Lt. Col. Peters blasted President Obama and the political elite for their response to the Islamic State terrorists. He further said that political insiders, “our governing elite of both parties to a degree, they don’t understand the power of faith” [it's a transformative fury like a faith in flame] and added, “Even if Islamic State terrorists were broke which they were originally, they would [still] have this passion.” Let's face it, they are ready to die for Allah as suicide bombers or mindless combatants instead of fighting for their lives to live for another day.
Obama talks with Saudi King Abdullah in March, 2014.The reign of terror from the Islamic State militants is frightening. In regards to Obama, Lt. Col. Peters states, "We have a terrified little man that doesn't know what to do." Our country's leadership is rudderless, feckless and meaningless to our own soldiers and has an absolute zero effect on our allies too. Saudi Arabia and the U.S. have long been close allies; however, recently the two countries have differed over a string of issues including the war in Syria, the conflict between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran’s role in the Middle East.
The only relief for our current leadership problem is to ride it out for a year and a half. Lt. Col. Peters finally concluded, "The U.S. Army will outlast this President!"