Obama's Hollywood 'Persona' Debacle

Obamacare Hollywood Script Rewrite
George Orwell's '1984' Thought Police Primer"The California Endowment, a private foundation [The California Endowment was established in 1996 as a result of Blue Cross of California's creation of its for-profit subsidiary, WellPoint Health Networks] is spending millions to promote President Barack Obama's signature law. Recently on November 3, 2013 it provided a $500,000 grant to ensure TV writers and producers have information about the Affordable Care Act that can be stitched into plot lines watched by millions. [Blue Cross/Blue Sheild's own public Reeducation Program to 'Unthink Ungood Thoughtcrimes' against 'Big Brother' just like in George Orwell's book '1984']
"The aim is to produce compelling prime-time narratives that encourage Americans to enroll, especially the young and healthy, Hispanics and other key demographic groups needed to make the overhaul a success." [The young, Mexican, black or gay groups must get off their sofas watching TV and spend their own money to support the Affordable Care Act program - Yeah, right! - they will spend THEIR money ...LOL!]
"We know from research that when people watch entertainment television, even if they know it's fiction, they tend to believe that the factual stuff is actually factual," said Martin Kaplan of the University of Southern California's Norman Lear Center, which received the grant. [Hollywood producer of Archie Bunker, Norman Lear's on-campus, Liberal, left-wing bent educational foundation.]
The public typically gets as much, if not more, information about current events from favorite TV programs as mainstream news outlets, Kaplan said, so "people learn from these shows." [Today a very 'sad truth' that viewers are so gullible to be brainwashed - no wonder that Obama is such a successful socialist.]
Lawrence of Arabia
A superb example of a 'Classic Hollywood script rewrite' is a pivotal ten-minute scene from David Lean's 1962 epic masterpiece film, 'Lawrence of Arabia.'
'The rescue of Gasim' - saving an Arab soldier, took place as Capt. T.E. Lawrence leading with a forty-five man caravan was crossing El Houl, 'the terror', a vast trackless and waterless desert expanse in northern Arabia. The man apparently lost his way, dismounted his camel to only wander off in a blinding sandstorm. At that point, Lawrence decided to drop back alone and search for him, not even telling the caravan, as it trekked onward through the blistering, blinding sandstorm. Finding Gasim, Lawrence finally rejoins his comrades to their relieved and raucous cheers, cementing his true image as a true 'son of the desert.'
The reality was quite different. On May 24, 1917, by the code of this brutal landscape, Gasim had brought his death upon himself by having failed to secure his camel when he stopped to relieve himself, and, rather than praised, Lawrence was berated by some of his comrades for having risked his life for one man clearly so worthless as that. Furthermore, the caravan commander was so angry that he then administered a beating to two camel boys who had let Lawrence go back alone without them. [Cited: 'Seven Pillars' - T.E. Lawrence Autobiography, 1922]
The American People are writing their own script right now without any help from Hollywood - as the 'Obamanomics' fiscal policy of monetary stimulus and growing government and services like 'Obamacare' continues, it’s just going to get worse for the average Americans, the middle-class folks - the 'rich' people are not able to be taxed to pay for every government program even if Hollywood and Obama say so!
Our standard of living is going to fall because...
- People who are expecting Social Security can’t get all that money.
- People expecting government pensions can’t get all their money.
- People dependent on Medicare can’t get all the money.
. . .The government simply can’t afford to pay them all without higher taxes.