What does this World News mean to Me?
During our 2012 United States Presidential election, the voters will have a clear choice on how to be governed under our Constitutional laws. Thankfully we do not have to fight to get out of a repressive political system, but we do have to chose who will head our leadership going forward.
“If you don’t have a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run from. You make a big election about small things,” said Obama in 2008. We should be watchful concerning abortion rights, civil rights, gay rights. But, these are by Obama's definition small things since our focus should be on the big picture about our country's economic future. Otherwise, all of these other issues are meaningless if all the people do not have the basics such as food, jobs and money.
The are huge differences between Obama and Romney economic beliefs. American voters in November will have a choice between a Obama who feels government bureaucrats make the best decisions, best allocate the resources, and create jobs better than individuals, families, and businesses, and that significantly increased federal spending that causes onerous debt levels and damaging tax burdens are good economic policies. The U.S. is heading to over $16 Trillion in debt and needs another debt ceiling raise to sustain spending ...Hello Greece, Spain, France. Ireland and the rest of the bankrupt European Union countries we are discreetly loaning money to through U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner?

The glimpse below into the Wall Street Journal articles for just one day of world news convinces me that we have come a long way in our short lived history. Muslim countries are in turmoil. The Sharia law is not the answer in America. Let's make the right choices at the ballot box to restart our success for the American way of life under our Constitutional laws. Make your Vote a Choice, not an Echo!...
Syria Opposition Vote Reflects Rifts
Homs Province, Syria - May 16, 2012. Leader's re-election sparks criticism; explosion hits U.N. mission's convoy. An umbrella group too closely allied with the Muslim Brotherhood of the Syrian government's fractious opponents re-elected its president for another term, in a contentious vote that could deepen divisions and set back efforts to gain international backing against the Assad regime.
Rapper Fears For His Life After Fatwa
Beirut, Lebanon - May 16, 2012. Iranian rapper Shahin Nafaji expected his calling on Shite saint to save Iran from its current rulers to stir up controversy, but never imagined it might cost him his life. He is now being dubbed the "Salman Rushdie" of music after two influential clerics in Iran issued fatwas, religious edicts, justifying his murder on grounds of blasphemy.
Indonesia Blocks Gaga After Islamists Protest
Jakata, Indonesia - May 16, 2012. American pop star Lady Gaga will likely have to cancel her Indonesian concert for next month after police declined the necessary permits following protests by some Islamic groups who saw she dressed provocatively.
Iran Hangs Alleged Israeli Agent
Tehran, Iran - May 16, 2012. A January 2010 bombing targeted Tehran University physics professor Ali Muhammad and killed him, a member of Iran's scientific community involved with their nuclear development program. At least four other Iranian scientists have been killed since the bombing two years ago. An Israeli national, Majid Jamali Fashi, 24, was arrested and summarily convicted. Some say his questionable trial's conviction was to quell public unrest as to cover up blame for Iran's own insurgents within protesting the current regime. Iran hanged Majid Fashi who was quoted before his hanging, "The end of the road has nothing except repentance - and rope."