How to Separate the Beef from the Bun for a Cheaper Burger!

At the State of the Union speech Obama championed a raise of the the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10/hr. Wow, Mr. Everyman's President! Obama sure has hit upon a great stimulus plan for business entrepreneurs, but it's not what you think. Why? It's because Obama personally never has run a business by struggling to pay for rent, fixtures and furniture, utilities, insurance, vendors and suppliers, local plus state and federal taxes, overhead expenses and wages. Then, at the end of the long list of expenses, the business theoretically pays back a living wage and return on investment to the owners. So, what is Obama's great stimulus business plan?
It seems as though when every new century unfolds there are new inventions presenting themselves. This twenty-first century is no different as it always takes a swift kick in the pants with the harsh boot of reality--and this minimum wage increase has proven to be no exception as it's knocking sense into the rears of businessmen across the United States. So, what is Obama's great stimulus business plan?
Our nations' unemployed job seekers which include unskilled workers, high school kids, college students and graduates, undocumented workers, working mothers and part-timers need not worry any more about their futures with the diminishing, scarce job market--because it's going to get smaller yet! So, what is Obama's great stimulus business plan?
Obama's great stimulus business plan is based on his own induced economic obstacles that promise an even brighter future for small businesses across the nation. The main argument against minimum wage increases is that those extra costs will hurt employers' pocketbooks and in turn discourage hiring more workers. In fact, Obamacare also contributes to further erosion of profits too. But, not to worry! It is a harbinger of doom for more future hires and the employed--and a brighter economic future for business--and Obama is credited for this positive outcome too! ...How so?
It is best said in a recent MSNBC interview with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. The death knell is tolling for more jobs creation as expensive entry-level labor costs loom on the near economic horizon. Mr. Gates urged caution and said the policy would create an incentive for employers to "buy machines and automate things." Bill Gates, being a sage visionary, must already know that this software 'genie' is out of the bottle now. It will be only a matter of time when hand-held tablets and iPhones, discreet table-top e-Menu's and the like will link up to wi-fi restaurant 'software aps' order systems on the premises to place food and beverage orders and pay the bills. You don't think so?
Just look back when it was the last time you entered a bank to make a deposit? Hello, Good-bye tellers? Now, Hello, Good-bye waiters & order takers? ...and Hello, food server/bus boys? I believe it was just in the last Presidential election cycle when, Obama, the then President, complained about bank teller jobs that were being overtaken by ATM's? You can't have it both ways Mr. President, just ask the United Auto Workers who were replaced on the assembly lines with automated robotics--less jobs there too.
A 'Poop-cicle' ice cream cone machine.Technological change is inevitable and often healthy for businesses, regardless of labor costs. Obama, though, is prematurely encouraging this change when unemployment for young adults age 16-19 have been above 20% for more than five years. Remarkably, there's no limit on 'who' can be replaced: there is now being sold a burger-flipping robot that replaces three full-time kitchen staff, makes no wage demands and stages no walk-outs too. Hmmn...