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Entries in Obamacare (7)


The Big Question about Obamacare 


Recently a number of states have moved forward with changes to their election laws designed to minimize the possibility of voter fraud in the upcoming Presidential Election. These include the abolition of same-day registration and the requirement that voters show a photo ID before being allowed to cast a ballot.

The Obama administration and Attorney General Eric Holder has staked out a position in opposition, telling the state of Texas, for example, that its new voter I.D. law is unconstitutional because it discriminates against Hispanics, African-Americans, the elderly, and others.

The Big Question: 

If an individual's photo I.D. is not required to vote for Obama and the Senators that voted for Obamacare, then why is one required to have a positive Photo I.D. with a residence address and a Federally Issued Social Security Number under the Obamacare Program for any hospital admissions and Doctors visits?

This Obamacare is discriminatory and has prejudicial profiling requirement that puts a burden on some citizens in our nation to carry social security cards and photo I.D.s.  Shouldn't anyone just take the patient's word on who they are and where they live and just give out free medical care?

Can Barack Obama and Eric Holder answer that? 



 VOTE 2012!  ~



Obamacare - The Smell of Victory!

The Obama "Scorched Earth Policies" unconstitutionally jammed Obamacare down peoples' throats to force citizens to buy single-payer health Insurance.

I can just hear Barack say as he waits for the final Supreme Court decision:

"You smell that? Do you smell that?...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning....The smell... You know that gasoline smell.... The whole hill, smelled like... Victory..." - Lieutenant Bill Kilgore (Robert Duval) - Click on the 53 sec. 1979 movie clip Apocalypse Now.

I think Obama has got "the whole Hill" afire in Washington but is wrong about his victory in the Supreme Court buying into his bogus Obamacare Law.  Barack, wake up and smell the Tea, not the napalm!

Barack goes to the Supreme Court of American Law to learn about the Constitution and how it works.

Now that the left-wing socialist Obamacare program will be defeated by the United States Supreme Court, Medicare will not have to be stripped of $500 Billion dollars to fund it either.  More important, if the single payer mandate is found to not stand then the balance of the Obamacare legislation falls with it since it is not severable or separate from the total bill, the net result is a total rejection.

 ~  REMEMBER... 

 VOTE 2012!  ~


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