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Entries in Race Card (2)


The Obama 1964 LBJ War on Poverty Program

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,. but not their own facts.” ~ Senator (D-NY) Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The recent Trayvon Martin incident begged the question about where does racial profiling come from? The "facts" below answer that question. 

After fifty years, the 1964 "War on Poverty" is a $15 trillion national disgrace.   

It was to restore equality in education, jobs, housing and fiscal opportunities to the poor, especially to blacks. The new numbers from the 2012 Census Bureau report still shows no change since 1964 of the 15% of Americans living in poverty – and a clear sign that we are still doing something wrong.

Obama with tear stained cheek.Why is Obama still crying about income redistribution and whining that "poor blacks" are still left behind? He is complaining like nothing has been done on the Federal level to "right the wrongs" to those former slaves (Freed by the 13th Constitutional Amendment in 1865) as if in 2013, 150 years later, all the whites were still slave owners standing on their shoulders to keep them down. People should look at this phony "race hustle" to call out this "race card" charlatan - it's been getting really tiresome hearing this "black president" squawk about no chances to get ahead while elected by the voters into in the highest office in the United States and the world in 2013.

Heard any of Obama's 2013 strategies about: How to be dealing with the 73% out-of-wedlock black children birth rates leading to fatherless families like Treyvon Martin? Or what was Treyvon's mother thinking of to have more children with still another man out-of-wedlock too? Or why had Trayvon been suspended multiple times out of school, taken drugs, ran with gangs, sold dope and had gold teeth and tattoos? Or why Trayvon's mother gave up on Trayvon's drugs, friends and lifestyle to push him out the door for his father to then handle? Or how come Treyvon's own father shacked up with his girlfriend and why he had no job either?  

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute.

Welfare is the organized public or private social services for the assistance of disadvantaged groups. Aid could include general Welfare payments, health care through Medicaid, food stamps, special payments for pregnant women and young mothers, and federal and state housing benefits. The Welfare system in the United States began in the 1930s, during the Great Depression. Opponents of Welfare argue that it affects work incentives.

Date Verified: 10.15.2012

Welfare Statistics
Total number of Americans on welfare 4,300,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion
Welfare Demographics  
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %


Factoid:  The federal government currently operates 122 different anti-poverty programs, ranging from Medicaid to the tiny Even Start Program for Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations. All together, the federal government spent more than $591 billion in 2009 on means-tested or anti-poverty programs, and will undoubtedly spend even more this year. That amounts to $14,849 for every poor man, woman and child in America. Given that the poverty line is just $10,830, we could have mailed every poor person in America a check big enough to lift them out of poverty – and still saved money. 

In 2012 the total U.S. population was 313,314,000. Per capita, the largest percent in a group of welfare recipients is black, over 51%, compared to fewer than 8% of whites. There are 50 million people on welfare and food stamps. Approximately 40% black, 40% white and the 20% remainder "others". This translates to 20 million blacks and 20 million whites on welfare. Those who identified as African American made up 12.8% of the U.S., 39 million people. Twenty million are on welfare and one million are in prison. There are 245 million whites who made up 77.9% of the US, 20 million are on welfare and one million in prison. Conversely then, there are 2.5% of all "blacks" verses .004% of all "whites" in prison with all "others" for a total of 2.3 million incarcerated prisoners population.

In 2013 the NAACP states that prison has not been proven as a rehabilitation for behavior, as two-thirds of prisoners will reoffend. That in itself offers more support for seeking significantly longer sentencing guidelines for incarceration on second and third offenses. It further rejects any remote suggestions that prison is rehabilitation, not to be confused with judicial punishment that removes from society individuals who will repeatedly commit crimes. 

From 1980 to 2008, the number of people incarcerated in America quadrupled-from roughly 500,000 to 2.3 million people. As of 2008,  prisons and jails consume a growing portion of the nearly $200 billion we spend annually on public safety with $70 billion dollars spent on corrections yearly. The 2013 Gross Domestic Product is $16 trillion, so $200 billion is only 1.25% of GDP. This amount, compared to our national debt is insignificant compared to the overall societal confidence in public safety over releasing these recalcitrants back into the general populations.

Doing crime just leads to more shit!American society today does not support children's religious beliefs, morals, displays or practices in any public schools. Relying on social media, cable and internet interactions many children development is distorted wanting for parental relationships.  The family and home life teach children these set of values, but many do not have that anchor and with no moral standards will break laws. Out of 314 million people, 2.3 million convicts is only .0073% of the total population. 2/3 are repeat-offenders, so 1.5 million convicts are reimprisoned "throw-aways" which leaves 800 thousand prisoners freed. 

"Perhaps its time to focus less on making poverty comfortable, and more on creating the prosperity that will get people out of poverty. That means that if we wish to fight poverty, we must end those government policies — high taxes and regulatory excess — that inhibit growth and job creation." The spotlight can then turn inward to the individuals' own resources, not to the politically corrupt politicians doling out government largess to pander for voters. We need to start another "War on Poverty" by starting a war on self-entitlement programs and school illiteracy; otherwise, we surrender now to racial profiling and save those trillions of dollars to build more prisons.


Trayvon Martin - Rovalocity at Warp Speed

Facebook & Twitter Again Reveal An Identity Profile

"@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA" - Twitter

Trayvon's Gold TeethThe mainstream news media spin on this black hate crime story has been exposed.  The culprits?  Facebook and Twitter, the victim himself exposed who he really was in his own words, pictures, tweets and blogs. 

Friend confirming fight to whoop bus driver's ass.

Trayvon Martin was not the young victim, a black boy that was jumped, beaten and shot as he walked home with a bag of skittles while talking to his girlfriend on a cell phone. Obama seemed to accept the fresh-faced innocence of Trayvon Martin without further looking into the facts and said so too to further his Presidential election image of compassion for black racial hatred.

Obama stated, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” - Oh really, Mister President??  Hmmm...

His attorney stated Trayvon was expelled for ten days from school for a relatively minor offense ofTrayvon's Tattoo - Right Arm Elbow "entering and being in an unauthorized area”.  It was not mentioned just prior to  that, a few days earlier, he had a fist fight with a school bus driver which would possibly indicate more bad behavior. Now, why was he staying at his father’s house, so far away from school?

As it turns out, Trayvon was suspended a number of times from Krop Senior High School in Miami Gardens for infractions ranging from tardiness and truancy up to possession of marijuana and a screwdriver that the school's security staff described as a "burglary tool."

It is interesting that already Trayvon’s family premptively has sealed his school records before proceeding in the upcoming trial.

Trayvon didn’t really live there with his father and was only in town because of the suspension. It may explain why George Zimmerman, who by all accounts seemed to stay on top of everything that happened in his neighborhood, didn’t recognize him that evening. There also had been a rash of burglaries in the area which probably heightened resident awareness of strangers prowling the neighborhoods.

This is the description of the fatal scuffle:

However it started, witnesses described to the 911 dispatcher what resulted: the neighborhood watch coordinator, 5-foot-9 and 170 pounds, and the visitor, 6-foot-1 and 150, wrestling on the ground.

The NY Times quietly reported that Zimmerman weighed 170 pounds and Martin weighed 150.

Girlfriend's Mother"Tray", as his bros called him, was only 17, he already was sporting gold teeth, and several large tattoos. One was on his wrist, apparently of his girlfriend’s mother’s name, Sybuna.

Trayvon's facebook wall Facebook on February 5th, a friend posts on his wall asking to talk business. Tray says he has no phone available and his friend says, “Damn were u at a nigga needa plant.”

Unless Tray was selling potted posies, it seems fairly obvious that he may have been known among his friends as the go-to guy for selling other pot plants,  marijuana, ya think?

On Trayvon’s MySpace page, at least one of his top friends, Romario305, is featured making a gang sign towards the camera in his default profile picture. 

The media’s central theme is that Trayvon Martin was a normal, happy, well-adjusted teenager. Instead of that, we are seeing Tray's long suspensions from school, tattoos, racially-charged epitaphs, drugs and violence.

The irony is that Tray himself is now reaching out of the grave to show everyone what his facebook and twitter friends already know, just look at his own pages he created which shows a drug dealer, gang banger and school drop-out?   Trayvon Martin is the best one in the witness stand for the defense.

Travon Martin and George Zimmerman and will now become Obama's rhetorical devices in the heated, never-ending national disagreements about race and guns. It's abundently clear to Obama: "Never let a serious crisis go to waste."


VOTE 2012!  ~


Home  »  Law Enforcement  »  Meet The Real Trayvon Martin: Evidence Emerges He Was A Drug Dealer And Gang Banger

Mar 26, 2012 296 Comments ›› Doc Holiday

The issue of Trayvon Martin and gang ties is significant for several reasons, not the least of which is that the blocks he was walking that night were under siege in the days prior by burglars. Were the burglars Trayvon and fellow gang members? Was the Skittles run cover for casing the houses?

Excerpted from  WAGIST

The media narrative being sold is quite clear, Trayvon Martin is the innocent victim here and George Zimmerman is a horrible bigot who attacked the young man for doing nothing more than buying skittles while being black. Even Barack Obama seems to accept the fresh-faced innocence of Trayvon, stating, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” More on that later.

It’s becoming more and more clear however that the innocent appearance the mainstream media is so desperate to apply to Trayvon isn’t at all accurate. The picture we’re used to seeing to represent Trayvon Martin appears to be a far cry from how he actually looked once he was a few years older. Extended School Suspension

There has been a lot of analysis about the character of George Zimmerman in the media, and surprisingly little about Trayvon Martin.

For instance, a few days before he was killed, Trayvon was suspended from school for ten days.

Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade. “He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details. Before that, Trayvon attended Miami Carol City High School near his mother’s home in Miami Gardens.

There has been very little follow-up in investigating exactly why Trayvon was suspended for such a long period of time for what seems to be the relatively minor offense of “being in an unauthorized area.” In most schools, something like that would be a detention, or one-day, in school suspension at most. Not ten days.

Of course, this is why Trayvon was staying as his Father’s house, so far away from school. And it also explains why George Zimmerman, who by all accounts seemed to stay on top of everything that happened in his neighborhood, didn’t recognize him that evening, Trayvon didn’t really live there, and was only in town because of the suspension.

It seems we may not find out more anytime soon, as a lawyer representing Trayvon’s family has sealed his school records.

Multiple Tattoos

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues. Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image, rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

Even though Trayvon was only 17, he already was sporting gold teeth, and several large tattoos. This one was on his wrist, apparently of his girlfriend’s mother’s name.

Trayvon Martin Wrist Tattoo

This photo, taken from Tray’s MySpace page, shows another large tattoo that took up most of his upper arm.

This photo, taken from Tray’s MySpace page, shows another large tattoo that took up most of his upper arm.


It seems that Tray was also on Twitter, but his account seems to have been recently deleted by his family or friends.

His screen name was “@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA, as you can see from the twitpic account screenshot above. He was also a member of a twitter hash group #team4dat.

At first, I was skeptical that anyone would maintain an account with that sort of derogatory slur in the title, but after doing some research, it’s apparent that it was Trayvon’s account.

The account was in existence long before the shooting occurred a few weeks ago, and was deleted only recently, there are still dozens of references to @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA in google’s cache.

The associated twitpic account matches the account name and is still online at the time of publication. Most of the pics were uploaded months ago, so this account was associated with Trayvon long before the shooting took place.

Several of Tray’s friends have been very open about referring to Trayvon using that account as well. His cousin, who is quite active on Twitter, refers to Trayvon more than a dozen times using the @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA nickname.

Violence & Gang Activity

There seem to be several allusions to violence on Tray’s Twitter account.

His friends posted supportive messages using it as well, about how happy they were that Trayvon whooped Zimmerman’s ass before he died.


Violence one

Another post makes reference to Trayvon having “swung on a bus driver” a few days before he died.

Did that have something to do with his ten-day suspension?

On Trayvon’s MySpace page, at least one of his top friends, Romario305, is featured making a gang sign towards the camera in his default profile picture.

Almost all of this is in stark contrast to the media’s central narrative that Trayvon was a normal, happy, well-adjusted teenager.

Instead of that, we are seeing long suspensions from school, tattoos, racially-charged epitaphs, and violence.

Drug Culture

Several of his friends have posted pictures of rolled blunts to twitter in memorial to Trayvon.

There is also fairly direct evidence that Trayvon may have been a small-time drug-dealer.

On Facebook on February 5th, his friend posts on his wall asking to talk business. Trayvon says he doesn’t have a phone available and his friend says, “Damn were u at a nigga needa plant.”

Unless Trayvon was selling Orchids, it seems fairly reasonable to posit that he may have been somewhat well-known among his friends for selling marijuana.