It's Sept 30th Defund Obamacare stupid! ~ Not Syria!

Defund Obamacare September 30, 2013
Is Washington paying attention to the clock, because it's running out!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: September 30th, 2013 is one of the most important dates and turning points, in our Country’s history, the day Congress must defund ObamaCare. Barack Hussein Obama has amended ObamaCare Bill TWICE without Congress approval, which is unconstitutional. Furthermore, Obama does NOT intend to follow the law that was passed, that is if we don’t stop him on this day.
If we lose on September 30th, the fallout of ObamaCare will be felt for generations to come. Some pundits are marking this day as the end of our country as we know it — marking the 2012 election as our country’s death, and September 30th as the death certificate.
But if ater all of the Washington hoopla about the final Obamacare "September 30th Drop-Dead" decision date, it is with bombastic oversized balls that Obama has created another timely distraction being foisted upon the American people by its own government... Start the bellicose saber rattling now to distract the American public...WE ARE GOING TO WAR IN SYRIA!
And these are the "Freedom Fighters" rebels we help attack Bashar al-Assad?
Time: 03.43
WARNING: This video contains DISTURBING images - 06/17/13 Glenn Beck TV Show
We Must not get into the Syrian War! - See Why...
Senators John MCain and Lindsey Graham are pushing for a United States intervention into Syria as not a "military action" with boots on the ground, but as a "military campaign" with air strike to change the stability of the region favoring the "Free Syrian Army" - the Farouq Brigade aligned with al Queda. The retaliation is due to chemical gas use by the al-Assad regime in violation of the Geneva Protocol. In 1925 sixteen of the world's major nations signed the Geneva Protocol pledging never to use gas in warfare again. Notably, while the United States delegation under Presidential authority of Calvin Coolidge signed the Protocol, an exception was adopted to continue producing CS gas for Riot Control, a harrassing agent and CS-2 gas as Irritating Agent and anti-plant chemical herbicides such as VX Nerve Gas and Sarin gas. The Geneva Protocol languished in the U. S. Senate until 1975 when it was finally ratified.
Obama fails to mention it is a purely sectarian civil war between political factions within a country for an internal fight for ruling power. Although Senators McCain and Graham would have us believe otherwise, Bashir al-Assad has not demonstrated or shown real aspirations of war for Lebanon or Israel and wishes to regain his stability of his governance over his own country.
The Obama administration, along with Liberal Republicans AND Democrats are OK providing assistance to the Syrian 'rebels' ...The Farouq Brigade, the same 'rebels' who have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda and Commander Abu Sakar who cut the heart and liver out of their enemies and eat it.
Read about the whole story in: OP-Ed Spins Section - Good Morning Viet-Nam! - Good Night Syria!
Contact your Congressmen today!
Tell them to DEFUND ObamaCare.
It must happen NOW!