What's a löggæslumyndavélar?

Travel Tip: While driving your car in Manitsoq, Vestgronland, Greenland, here is an important safety advisory. When you see a road sign that reads "löggæslumyndavélar," it's the Icelandic word for "police cameras" as you speed by roadside radar that quickly snaps your photo.
Below are examples of what travel rules are in effect in Greenland which is not a member nation in the European Union, EU. That means they do not follow the prevailing EU attitude of gratuitous acquisance to multicultural pressures--do not bend to restrict racial profiling or other politically incorrect practices that would further abandon their own country's security--"However, on regular flights from Denmark or Iceland entry customs immigration formalities are nearly non-existent unless you look particularly different."
When you read this, see how these visitor customs and immigration regulations are restrictive, direct and without apologies for protecting their country's sovereignty or their rule of laws--it's not like the liberal U.S. visitor requirements which are underserved by United States laws due to no law enforcement by agencies under Obama which allow open borders with no active visa checks or valid passport controls to regulate non-citizens' entry, financial status or activities upon entry to the United States.
- Travel Alerts and Security Advice: "With a[our] travel advisery, tourists can be informed about security risks during traveling or vacation in a foreign country. Be informed about the risks of kidnapping, armed robbery, bombings, natural disasters or war. Know which areas are unsafe in Greenland. Be vigilant, or avoid certain areas when on vacation in Greenland."
- Visas: "The tourist entry requirements for Greenland are similar to the entry requirements for Denmark, but be aware that Greenland is not in the EU or a party to the pan-European Schengen visa agreement. To enter Greenland, citizens of Nordic countries need only a valid identification card. Three-month visa-free stays are available to citizens of EU nations, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Brunei, Israel and several central-European and Latin American countries. Most ex-Soviet and African nationals require a Danish visa. South Africans should apply at the Royal Danish Embassy (12-430 9340, 342 7620; www.denmark.co.za; Parioli Office Park, Block B2, Ground Fl, 1166 Park St, Hatfield 0028, Pretoria, South Africa) or the Danish consulate in Cape Town."
- "It is a requirement that all tourists applying for Danish visas must show bank-account details proving 'sufficient funds', a confirmed itinerary with accommodation bookings (or detailed explanations if you plan to camp) and proof of medical insurance coverage of at least €30, 000 [$36,600]. Before the visa is issued you'll also be expected to show a return ticket, though buying one isn't advised until the visa is approved. Note that you're supposed to apply in your country of residence. The Dkr260-equivalent application fee won't be refunded in case of visa refusal. Full regulations are listed on www.udlst.dk but upon consultation may prove to be somewhat flexible according to specific circumstances. The addresses of Danish embassies are listed on www.um.dk."
- "Technically, even those tourists who aren't required to have a visa must show that they have 'sufficient funds' for their intended length of stay. However, customs and immigration formalities are normally rudimentary or nonexistent if you're entering Greenland on a standard flight from Denmark or Iceland, unless you look particularly different."