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“Lyin’ Ass Bitch” Michele Bachmann 

The "Late Night” Show host Jimmy Fallon invited Senator Bachmann onto his show during the intro song his show’s house band, The Roots, played for Michele Bachmanns appearance on Monday, November 21. The band played a song titled “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” when Bachmann came onto the stage.  Do you think Jimmy could play the same tune for "Michelle" Obama?

The truth here is that this type of left-wing buffoonery has never stopped since Michele Bachmann began running for public office as a Conservative Republican Senator either. Except for Governor Palin being called a "Cunt" on national TV by comedian Bill Maher, I have never heard of any other woman politician being disrespected with such audacious, callous disregard and insolence as Fallon takes his own self-appointed liberty to castigate and embarass her.  I guess this situation begs the crude question, "Who in the Fuck does Jimmy Fallon think he is?" 

I believe if I can ask a question, then I should be able to answer it too.  Simply put, Jimmie Fallon is only a modest success in the entertainment world; a short-lived exposure to date and struggling hard to get his Nielson ratings up just like Arsenio Hall, Joey Bishop, Joe Pine, Alan Thicke, Joan Rivers, Pat Sajak, Chevy Chase, Magic Johnson and Joy Behar. Ooops, aren't any of those hosts on the Late Night Show circuit any more?  (To be fair, some are dead, but they none the less were not successful) To paraphrase Senator Lloyd Benson from the Vice Presidential debates with Senator Dan Quayle, "You're no Jack Kennedy!"  I can then say to Fallon, "You're no Johnny Carson." Also, you have none of the "Class" Johnny had either!

Although Jimmy Fallon did apologize to Bachmann on Twitter later the following Tuesday night, it sure is a shame that you can't make a second first impression.  As anyone should know who is in "the biz",  we are all on stage,  really only have one shot and real life is not a dress rehearsal.  "Soory Jimmie", your little "Tweet" doesn't mean "Twat"! You are a capital "L", Loser!  Better ask for stimulus dollars to keep financing your show, it looks like just another "shovel ready project" about to go under!

Reader Comments (1)

Very good article; well written and informative. Ms Bachmann is not my choice for Presidency, but still, she's not entitled to receive more disrespect than the rest of the sons-a-bitches.

November 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEd Lewis

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