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Obama's Billion Dollar Lipstick Question

In a February, 2009 NBC' "Today Show" interview, Obama predicted, "If this economy hasn’t rebounded in three years, I’m a one-termer." Then, will he really be a one term President? Or, is this a desperate campaign strategy to fool everyone and wildly saying out loud what everyone has on their minds?

In a December, 2011 CBS' "60 Minutes" interview, Obama admitted, "If voters believe in the Republican agenda of lower taxes, including for the wealthy, and weaker regulations then he [Obama] will lose." Then in another breath, Obama conceded it would take more than one term in office for his administration to change a Washington political culture defined by special interests and hyperpartisanship. He added maybe things might not shift even if he is reelected. What? ....a "no promise" promise with "no change you can believe in" anymore? 

Obama will put on a bright coat of red lipstick to freshen up his image for the 2012 Election Campaign. But, "You can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig." So, it doesn't really matter who runs against Obama because his core philosophy will still stand in sharp contrast with any Republicans. The Billion Dollar Obama War Chest question is: "Are the Republicans ready for the dirtiest political campaign in U.S. history?


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