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Know the Real Numbers - Being Politically Correct


See a USA Today News Poll about Religion in the United States - With a Cautionary Note.

How many people believe in various religious beliefs? It should encourage people around the world to know that the numbers say everything: The USA is the most tolerant country on the planet! To allow many religions that are barely on the map to practice their faith with no interference from others is quite remarkable in an intolerant world of countries that view these religions as against their governmental rule or an affront sanctioned state religions.

Take special notice of the surprisingly small number of Muslims in the USA while realizing what a broad range of religious tolerance and accommodations have been extended to this particular sect in the recent decade since 9/11. They are, presently, truly a blip on the USA map of religions!

Click on:  USA Religion Topography

As a cautionary note, remember that our religious tolerance is a free right under your U.S. Constitutional Bill of Rights, not afforded to anyone under Sharia Law. Dhimma, "one whose responsibility has been taken", allows non-Muslims rights of residence in return for taxes. You pay dhimma or a fee in order to practice your religion under Sharia Laws. Also, as a non-Muslim you have fewer legal and social responsibilities and rights than Muslims.  Therefore, must accept a second class standing in society in regard to all of your civil liberties, education, housing and jobs that are protected under U.S. Constitutional Laws. 

Our Federal Government must exercise caution so that Muslim Sharia Law is NOT EVER commingled within U.S. Constitutional Law. As such, it cannot be adjudicated or practiced in our United States courts systems as a parallel set of observed jurisprudence for settling any cases of U.S. Law as it contradicts our Civil and Criminal laws.  

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