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Obama the Rough Rider - His Diaper Rash Chafes 

Teddy Roosevelt & The Rough Riders

Today, December 6, 2011 Obama spoke in Osawatomie, Kansas, the same obscure middle American town used by Roosevelt for a 1910 speech to call for a "new nationalism" that would fight for everyday Americans against corporate greed and concentrations of power. The trouble is that Roosevelt, in promoting those ideas, went on to lose his bid to return to the White House in 1912. 

Obama has channeled himself as Lincoln, F.D.R. Truman, JFK, Reagan & Teddy Roosevelt. How About Jimmy Carter?

Nevertheless, Obama chose this venue for his speech specifically because Roosevelt gave his address there to mark what TR hoped would be a new Progressive Era based on the concept that the presidency should be the central advocate for the people and an aggressive advocate of economic fairness. It didn't work out that way historically and later Progressive ideas were disproved over the next 100 hundred years.

Obama wants to again increase U.S. Government spending to extend unemployment benefit checks to people not working and the payroll tax holiday to people that are working while taxing the rich to pay for it in higher taxes for economic fairness. That makes sense if you want everyone to rely on the U.S. Government to get into all of their pocketbooks. But, where in the world did Obama get those kind of ideas from anyway? 

Read Two Parallel Wall St. Journal News Stories


WASHINGTON - "The U.S. Government could increase spending to try to ensure a solid victory for President Obama in the  Presidential Elections, after his party saw support wane in the midterm elections," Austan Goolsbee, Chief White House Economist said.

In particular, President Obama could push for targeted spending at state-financed corporations. "The best way to address his fears of losing control will be to rely on a direct state presence in the economy," said Austan Goolsbee, Chief White House Economist, who added, "Obama will be looking to secure his position economically."  Policy changes will now need to be carefully shepherded through Congress.


MOSCOW - "The Russian Government could increase spending to try to ensure a solid victory for President Vladimir Putin in the Presidential Elections, after his party saw support wane in the midterm elections," Natalia Orlova, Chief Economist at Alfa Bank said.

In particular, President Putin could push for targeted spending at state-financed corporations. "The best way to address his fears of losing control will be to rely on a direct state presence in the economy," said Natalia Orlova, Chief Economist at Alfa Bank, who added, "Putin will be looking to secure his position economically."  Policy changes will now need to be carefully shepherded through the Duma.

The Obama 2012 Agenda

The first one is really a made up story from the second one that is real. Ironically,  both stories are true. Obama as the leader of the free world is closely pandering to the socialist-communist approach to controlling the masses by infusing the influence of Federal Government into everyone's lives to gain control.

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