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The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA)

Crippling Internet freedom in the pursuit of protection from copyright infringement also masks massive underlying problems of government infringement on our free speech rights. Every Internet participant is a citizen in the World Internet Global Society and most agree that online piracy is wrong. It stifles creativity as well as stunts growth because it discourages not only original ideas but artistic expressions too. After all, who wants their efforts and works they created stolen by someone unduly assuming original credits or enriching themselves monetarily? 

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) with its intrusive powers allows heavy-handed enforcement to bully legislation over responsible individuals or Internet sites by exerting onerous, ambiguous regulations and expensive litigation which could accomplish the same damaging effects as piracy by destroying Internet freedoms to create or share information.  

You Must Contact Your State Senators!

I believe that the Federal Communications Commission more than likely will ultimately enforce these SOPA regulations. This FCC is the same agency that Obama wants to administer the "Fairness Doctrine" that Obama is waiting to unveil until after the 2012 Elections to curb "right-wing" conservative talk radio and like Internet sites. (Too much regulation before an election is bad karma) These regulations will make a "more level broadcast playing field" on the airwaves because the "right-wing" talk shows will by law have to give up a percentage  of their net profits to subsidize the "left-wing" talk shows and offer programming time slots on the same stations or web sites too. What happened to listener ratings that dictate what programs that the people want to hear or the capitalistic motive of advertising profits to support a show too?

These SOPA regulations would require service providers to either block access or detach search engine links. However, the way to regulate the internet is to not to let Congress and the Justice Department dictate how to conduct Internet business. Instead, users need to learn that the illegal Copyright infringers can't make it if any users don't buy it. It is through the same type of public instruction programs that have taught personal self-regulations on how to drive automobiles safely to avoid accidents or use seat belts or possibly to use green conservation rules to reduce pollution or prevent littering.  Internet user awareness, attitudes and practices can be changed with current copyright and patent laws respected by users while laws should be enforced against violators.

Email to Your State Senator Today!

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