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Right to Bear Arms - Behind the Obama Plans 

I recently received an email about a seemingly straight-forward news item. In part it read:

Subject: Who is buying companies manufacturing GUNS ????????

George Soros"The Freedom Group who is owned by a company called Cerberus Capital Management, controlled by George Soros!!!!!!! If you don't know who George Soros is you need to do some research. He backed Obama with millions of dollars and Obama is a puppet on a string controlled by Soros, one of the most evil men on this planet who wants to restrict or ban all  civilian guns", yada, yada, yada.

A few things bothered me about that email:  First, it appeared to be one of those "pass it around viral Internet email" types that had the tell-tale odor of the forever long chain of "cc: Jim Smith, Mary Jones, Bill Doe, etc., etc.", links of a lot of names showing it had been endlessly sent from mailbox to mailbox, etc.  Secondly, it was dated material, from October 19, 2009, according to a linked WSJ newspaper article attachment, that indicated it had been around the block, so it was really old. Thirdly, it contained those "GUNS??????" or "GEORGE SOROS!!!!!!!!", ridiculous capitalized word phrases with many multiple exclamation marks at the end emphasizing a point, which by the way gets lost in those marked distractions, but I digress.

So, what made me want to look into it further, was it curiosity? Maybe a little, but as I initially searched to find the out the truth I even discovered this impressive disclaimer on the official NRA-ILA Washington, DC website.


Internet Rumors About Cerberus, Freedom Group Are Patently False

Friday, October 14, 2011

Recently, an old rumor regarding Cerberus--the private equity firm that owns Freedom group, a holding company that in turn owns a number of firearms manufacturers, including Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, and DPMS--was in some way tied to George Soros.

This rumor is completely false and baseless.

NRA has had contact with officials from Cerberus and Freedom Group for some time.  The owners and investors involved are strong supporters of the Second Amendment and are avid hunters and shooters.

In reality, at no time has George Soros ever been a part of the ownership group of Freedom Group or Cerberus, and as a privately traded corporation, there is no possibility that he will be in the future.

This unsubstantiated rumor has caused a great deal of unnecessary concern for gun owners. NRA-ILA urges our members to take great care before repeating baseless rumors found on the Internet.

Copyright 2012, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030   800-392-8683


Reference Websites

Not one to leave any stone unturned, I looked up these factoids on and, two well regarded honest resources by many bloggers and frequently visited sites for getting through the rumor mill buzz on questionable tales in the Internet World.  They both confirmed the rumors as untrue, nothing more than speculative On-line chatter.   It seemed as though this email content was debunked, or was it yet?

I then decided to look into those two popular rumor reference sites.'s owners were David and Barbara Mikkelson, atheists, major Obama donors and financed by Peter Soros. located on campus at the liberal progressive Annenberg Public Policy Center, Penn State University, is financed by, a Peter Soros left-wing liberal activist organization. 

After that scathing NRA-ILA October, 2011 open letter, "Internet Rumors About Cerberus, Freedom Group Are Patently False" denouncing any connections to George Soros, I decided to check out the National Rifle Association-Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) located in Washington, D.C.  George Kollitides, a Cerberus managing director, is helping oversee Freedom Group and also serves on the boards of Remington Arms, Marlin Firearms, DPMS Panther Firearms and Bushmaster Firearms. He has twice run unsuccessfully for an National Rifle Association board seat --and there was speculation somehow about ties to George Soros. Hmmn...

In examining Freedom group, a little known company that was started in 2006, Cerberus--a private equity firm now owns it and has grown into a big player in the rifle and small arms industry, is a holding company that in turn owns a number of firearms manufacturers before and after the acquisition, including Remington, Marlin, Bushmaster, Advance Armament Corp, Harrington & Richardson, New England Firearms, Dakota Arms, Smith Parker and Display Power Management Signaling (DPMS) Panther Arms and Barnes Bullets.

Obviously, Freedom Group, Cerberus, now has control of a majority of the firearms companies in the United States. This infers an oligarchy, within an elite board of Directors, in a privately-owned United States company that can choose what, who and how products are sold in the marketplace. This includes what automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles or hand guns and bullets are produced and sold; which civilian, law enforcement or military owners are owners; and how sales are restricted as to the types and quantities of weapons or ammunition sold either by setting unaffordably high retail pricing policies or licensing user permits and setting fees high enough to restrict affordable wide-spread ownership to the general public. This toxic business formula conjures up the fuel for the perfect storm about Second Amendment Rights.

Cerberus Capital Management, LP named for the mythical three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. It's the hedge fund-cum-private equity firm that bought Chrysler and GMAC in 2007 for next to nothing. Chrysler was a public company, just as GM and Ford are today. But, as a private equity firm, Cerberus Capital Management, bought Chrysler, taking the firm private in 2008. And there's little or no precedent for the government aiding a private company that has no stockholders among the public. However, in the TARP debacle, Chrysler was then bailed out and Cerberus walked away with all of their private investments and profits.  Hmmn...

Cerberus also controls some 226 Burger King restaurants, Pre-Paid Legal Services, the National and Alamo car-rental chains, building products maker Formica Corp. and the old Warner Hollywood Studios.

The Cerberus Capital Management, Limited Partnership website biographies listing for U.S. Executive Officers, Senior Managing Directors & other Senior Personnel and Non-U.S. Senior Personnel provides one answer for the George Soros connection if one focuses in on the management personnel and investors, a pattern develops about all of them. Many are Bilderberg Group members as well as George Soros which implies that such a tight lipped, closely knit group would share tightly held shared objectives too.

George Soros and these Cerberus associates are Bilderberg Group members:

Cerberus Management:   J. Danforth Quayle, U.S. V.P.; Pieter Korteweg, Cerbus Vice Chairman and Senior Advisor.

Cerberus Investors: Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, John W. Snow, President George W. Bush's second United States Secretary of the Treasury.

Other members not involved with Cerberus, is impressive too.  It includes a full spectrum of influential world leaders like Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, Jeff Bezos, Bill Clinton, H.W. Bush, David Rockerfeller and many more. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton attended the meeting in 2008. See the list of Bilderberg members that attended the last meeting, June 2011, in Switzerland.

Bilderberg Group

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands founded the highly secretive group with their first meeting in 1954. Hotel De Bilderberg where the Meetings Started.Bilderberg meetings are generally held in remote locations making it easier to throw a security cordon around its members - See Membership List. What goes on in these clandestine meetings is completely confidential. Well known Bilderberg attendees in recent years include President Gerald Ford, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker. Bilderbergers in the UK include former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, David Miliband, Ed Balls, Chancellor George Osborne, university professors, directors of economics think tanks, and the chief executives of just about every major corporation including Shell, Nokia, H.J. Heinz, Barclay’s Bank, IBM, and many, many others. It’s the world’s A-team of international powerbrokers.


Their meeting agenda is simple, that of a One World Government, controlled by an elite group with specific aims towards that end:

  • Empowering international institutions, to create an international identity.
  • Zero-economic growth across the world, with a redistribution of wealth and labor.
  • Manufacturing crisis after crisis so that the people will become apathetic and easily controlled.
  • Creating international trading blocks, such as the EU and a North American Union
  • Expanding powers of the UN, through Agenda 21*, including creation of global taxation to the UN.

*Like many ‘green movement initiatives’ Agenda 21 is a ‘wolf in sheep's clothing’.  Agenda 21 is not an environmental management policy, but an attempt to impose a global centrally planned quasi-government administered by the United Nations.

One common practice of the Bilderberg Group is to invite potential future heads of state to their meetings, to see if they will go along with their agenda. To cite a few examples, George H. W. Bush attended the 1985 meeting, Bill Clinton attended in 1991, Tony Blair in 1993, and Ramano Prodi, former head of the EU Commission in 1999.

In Chantilly, Virginia in 2008, Barak Obama alongside Hillary Clinton, whom he had just dominated in the primary, attended the meeting. Undoubtedly, Obama gained their approval and backing during that meeting to continue on to win the Presidency.

More Questions than Answers

The National Rifle Association has stated on their website: Internet Rumors About Cerberus, Freedom Group Are Patently False --"This unsubstantiated rumor has caused a great deal of unnecessary concern for gun owners. NRA-ILA urges our members to take great care before repeating baseless rumors found on the Internet." The assurance that, "In reality, at no time has George Soros ever been a part of the ownership group of Freedom Group or Cerberus, and as a privately traded corporation, there is no possibility that he will be in the future",  is a bold promise with absolute surety, yeah, right!

Although this advice appears to be merely instructional on the surface, I read more meaning in-between the lines.  It reveals an odd appeal from a behemoth organization of a sense of truly almost alarming concern from them simply over a rumour. Strangely, there is certainly a lot of activity going on in the the Second Amendment rights area by the Federal Government along with all of these private firearms companies being gobbled up so quickly. These NRA members can decide themselves whether they feel "a great deal of unnecessary concern", not the NRA-ILA as they assess these activities.  Lastly, the additional mix of the Bilderberg Group certainly does spice up this controversy and adds more questions than answers too! 

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