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Presidential 2012 Election Ground Games

Brent Bozell - President of Media Rearch CenterThe consensus is that the 2012 Election has come down to the "Ground Game" - the tediuous, long fought, close-up, hand-to-hand combat voter warfare. The swing states will decide the battlefields - the swing voters will decide the targets - the targets will decide the elections. Still, this all might come down to an "End Game" with a technical foul completed by the losing team that wins the game for them, because the Refs look the other way.

So, the methods on how to reach out to these critical undecided voters, however, is not perfect or easy and either is the real world too.

Prologue: The small participation by President Obama in this ten year effort to kill Osama Bin Laden is eclipsed by his failure to lead in the 9/11/12 Benghazi, Libya Embassy terrorist attack. To date, Obama has stonewalled over six weeks about providing any comments on the attack. Obama did not learn from any past history and was doomed to repeat them for which he so arrogantly did. This movie is also an insult to anyone who views it for a true factual story about President Obama.

A Perfect Example of an Imperfect World

The Media Research Center is calling on The National Geographic Channel to delay the airing of “SEAL Team Six: the Raid on Osama bin Laden” until after Election Day. The documentary is currently scheduled to premiere in prime-time on Sunday, November 4, two days before voters head to the polls to decide the 2012 Presidential Election.

One of the companies behind “SEAL Team Six” is The Weinstein Company, co-chaired by Harvey Weinstein, a major donor to the Democratic Party and long-time fundraiser for Barack Obama.

According to a report in the liberal New York Times, President Obama plays a “prominent” role in the film. The Times also reveals that since its debut at Cannes, “SEAL Team Six” has been recut to enhance Obama’s role at the request of Weinstein.  At one point in its production, the film even included a scene showing Obama’s Republican rival Mitt Romney opposing the raid.

Media Research President Brent Bozell reacts:

“National Geographic Channel’s decision to air “SEAL Team Six” two days before the election, along with Harvey Weinstein’s insistence Barack Obama be more prominently featured, is raising reasonable concerns. We don’t want to pass judgement on the content, because we haven’t watched the film. But timing is what matters.“

"If the National Geographic Channel puts off airing this documentary by just three days, and there’s absolutely no reason why they can’t, it shows they have no agenda. If they don’t postpone it by just 72 hours, it will clearly show that they do. We want to believe that they don’t have an agenda."  

"We’re asking the National Geographic Channel to delay the airing of this documentary until after Election Day.”

Why not make it a double feature film movie show?

JFK's epic picture "PT109" - Jack Kennedy's WW2 Heroic Saga about it's skipper who was a skinny, handsome and boyish Lieutenant from Boston, MA - all Presidential traits.

"PT109" Storyline - President John F. Kennedy's war time experiences during which he captained a PT boat, took it to battle and had it sunk by a Japanese destroyer. He and the survivors had to make their way to an island, find food and shelter and signal the Navy for rescue.

Movie Review:  I went to the 1963 private viewing at the Screen Director's Guide Theater in Hollywood.  It was a slow, plodding, corny production that was like a PT boat shipwrecked on Gilligan's Island, which aired (1964-76), a year later before his assassination.


To schedule an interview with MRC President Brent Bozell or another MRC spokesperson, please contact Jeremy Little - (703)-683-5004

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