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Hanky Panky 121: New Course - Old Subject

House Joint Resolution (H..J. Res.) 121

The Electoral College is an outdated system that violates democratic principles - says who? This resolution is in the first stage of the legislative process. It was introduced into Congress on October 23, 2012. It will typically be considered by committee next.

H.J.Res. 121: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to increase by 29 votes the number of electoral votes awarded to the candidate for President who receives the largest percentage of the popular vote.

Sponsor: Rep. Steve Israel [D-NY2]

What does this Amendment SAY?

It's about tiping the scales in favor of the popular votes without eliminating the electoral college votes and thereby giving the appearance they both still function as what the founders envisioned. This Constitutional Amendment increases by 29 electoral votes the number of electoral votes awarded to the candidate for President who receives the largest percentage of the total popular vote. It declares that these votes shall not be considered votes cast by Electors and shall not affect the total number of votes necessary to constitute a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed.

What does this Amendment DO?

An election like the 2000 Bush-Gore election where Gore received the popular vote and Bush won the electoral vote, then even though Bush lost the nation's popular vote to Gore by over half a million, he won the electoral college and the presidency with 271 electoral votes to Gore's 266.  The electoral vote, under this new amendment adding 29 votes, would have made Gore 295, as the winner!

What does this Amendment CREATE?

This assures many Black, Hispanic and Union voters scattered across the nation which may or may not reside within states with high electoral votes, by virtue of being the largest demographic liberal group in the majority of popular votes cast, is guaranteed 29 more electoral votes which virtually tips any election to the Democrats. 

What does this Amendment MEAN?

H.J.R. 121 - R.I.P.

This Electoral College was established by our country’s forefathers to ensure that the election of the President and Vice President was a fair decision. The electoral college does this by ensuring the President and Vice President are elected based on popular vote, in addition to Congressional vote by State electors. Since the Electoral College process is part of the original design of the U.S. Constitution it would be necessary to pass a Constitutional amendment to change this system. Due to the current Republican House majority this House Joint Resolution (H..J. Res.) 121 is DOA Hopefully, it will languish in committee and die!  

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