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Americans Elect 2012 - 3rd Party Movement

Who is this new Organization?

The battle over our religious liberties should sound the alarm bells for all faith-filled Americans to turn their faces toward the Heavens and cry out to God; after all, we are founded upon our God-given Judeo-Christian principles. There are dark forces at work that want to destroy our nation, our freedom and our culture. And with this being a crucial election year that determines our world leadership role and nation's direction, it is so important -- vital even, that we pray for our nation, its leaders and its people.  Think about it! ...When have we ever had such huge debt growing uncontrollably with utter leadership turmoil in Congress?

So, you better read a little bit about this new group, Americans Elect 2012, especially before you click onto their website and fill out their questionnaire with Too Much Information (TMI) about yourself before jumping on their bandwagon that's parading all over the Internet as "The Answer" to our seemingly painful and disjointed U.S. political election process. Have you considered that, maybe, it is what has successfully endured to allow us to vet, distill and determine what we, the electorate, decide on for our politicians and policies?

Caution: Upon entering their website a cookie will be tracked to your computer, keystrokes will be noted and sections you visit will be tabulated and your email address will be stored for further email communications for fund raising and gathering signed petitions for their voting initiative to add their third party candidate to the ballot choices. 

The following information was taken verbatim from the "About" web page on the Americans Elect 2012  website:  (Do Not Enter the website until you read everything)

What is Americans Elect?

Americans Elect is the first nonpartisan nomination. We're using the Internet to break the gridlock in Washington, open up the political process and give every single voter—Democrat, Republican or independent—the power to nominate a presidential ticket in 2012. Your voice matters. You decide the issues. You choose the candidates. And in a secure, online convention next June, you will make history by putting the Americans Elect ticket on the ballot in every state.

With Americans Elect, you have the power to choose leadership that puts country before party, and America's interests before special interests. You have the power to change politics as usual.

Americans Elect is a nonprofit that is not affiliated with any candidate or candidate committee.

The Information About the Americans Elect 2012

It reads along like an intriguing idea, but it brought up more questions than answers to who they are, what they are, when they started, where they started, why they started, and how they started.

Americans Elect 2012 was founded by Peter Ackerman, the chief of a wealth managementWashington Capitol Bldg. firm, Rockport Capital, and a very liberal activist with extreme Centrist values who supports left-wing candidates dressed up like moderates. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was invited to tour the Americans Elect offices in DC, which he described as “swank offices, financed with some serious hedge-fund money, a stone’s throw from the White House.”  Hmmn?... one website says over $30 Million from just a few donors so far.

The organization promotes a new way of nominating their candidates for president through the internet. First, you sign up to be a “delegate” at their website after filling out a questionnaire about your political beliefs. Then, members will be able to propose presidential candidates and ultimately will cast the votes to officially nominate that candidate as the nationwide nominee. Their goal is to be on the ballot in all 50 states.

Pardon me here, but does this sound a little bit like the Presidential nominee in "Manchurian Candidate"? Just who guarantees that "YOUR Candidate" is selected? Or better yet, who or from where does the "FINAL Candidate" come from that is finally selected to represent the group in all fifty states? 

Historically the U.S. has not had its traditional present-day two party races, Republican and Democrat, since the very beginning in 1776. A lot of political parties Teddy Roosevelt 1904came and went over the years and we finally settled into a two party system. So, does it seem like the idea of a third party candidate even sound plausible given that in the Presidential Election of 1912, Teddy Roosevelt was the last "almost successful" third party candidate from the "Bull Moose" Progressive Party, which after the 1912 Elections the Progressive party blended into the Democratic Party? In 1912, the only election year ever to have a "four way" race, the Republican, Democrat, Progressive, and Communist parties ran. Woodrow Wilson won. Afterwards, the electorate going forward concluded that the campaign season was too long and time consuming, deciding on candidates was easier with basically two choices and under our Constitution the Electoral College system supports a two party system quite well too.

Americans Elect 2012 is an outgrowth of another curious "NEW" outcrop organization, Unity08, which in 2008 did not garner sufficient Internet voter support, add any highly appealing or viable "Candidates" for a 3rd Party on any ballots or raise enough funds and then fails; or maybe by grand design, closed down as their campaign momentum promised an Obama victory. In the midst of the 2008 Obama Election year, Unity08 pursued New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel and then former Senator Sam Nunn of Georgia, who was a one-time prospective Unity08 nominee. Nunn also chose not to run and instead endorsed Democratic candidate Barack Obama. So does Americans Elect 2012 want their 3rd Party Candidate to win again by succeeding to Re-Elect Obama this year??

The group also came under criticism by political commentators such as David Harsanyi of The Denver Post, who contends that the Unity08 ticket would have served as a "spoiler" for one party's ticket, siphoning off enough votes from one candidate and delivering the election to the other (while failing to win the election itself).

Ralph NaderHarsanyi points to the third party tickets of Ross Perot in 1992 and Ralph Nader inH. Ross Perot 2000 that he claims may have delivered those elections to Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, respectively.

In this very close 2012 race, "spoiler" votes will divide voters between Republicans and a 3rd Party candidate. But, it's also a "wild card" play that can backfire on the Democrats trying for a ballot majority with a very high risk of  many Democrat votes also siphoning off to the 3rd Party that could tip the election to Republicans. So, is the Americans Elect 2012 group from the Obama White House?  Hmmn?...

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    Source: Unity08

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