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Dr. Ben Carson Muses If Obama is Communist?

Dr. Ben Carson consistently conveys clearly deep, compassionate feelings as he calmly speaks with his thought-provoking words. His steady, measured, soft-spoken delivery allows anyone to clearly understand his accurate, on-message points. With his Christian and Hippocratic beliefs deep within his highly professional demeanor belies his vast experience as a leading neurosurgeon, sensitively listening to his patient's list of ills, ready to handle any situation that arises quickly and the demands for immediate attention or actions as if it's a life or death outcome.  Hmnn.. sounds just like the U.S. on life-support right now?

Amidst all of our country's current mess of physical, fiscal and moral decay, an old adage that is often held out as the benchmark for careers that require highly intelligent, skilled and successful people is: "It doesn't take a brain surgeon.'--perhaps so, but maybe now it does. Look out for Dr. Ben Carson to rise above the political fray as a 2016 Presidential possibility!

In a recent Fox News television interview on the Megyn Kelly File, he evoked a quote by V.L. Lenin, the Russian Communist  who led the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Describing the 'crown jewel' of the socialist, communist system, 'Socialized Medicine',  Dr. Carson decried:

"What's really interesting, Vladimir Lenin, one of the founders of socialism and communism, he said, "Socialized medicine is the keystone of the archway to the socialist state." and Dr. Carson continued, "In other words, you've got to get the socialized medicine as the foundation, because it gives you control of the people. Once you get control of the people, you can do what you want." - So, that's the deeper meaning of the Affordable Care Act.

On October 09, 2013 in an article by David Zurawik, in The Baltimore Sun, a liberal newspaper, he was spinning over these comments saying, "You [Megyn Kelly] want to tell me what part of sitting there and not challenging Carson while he walks right up to the line of calling the President of the United States a communist is news -- rather than red-meat, ideological rabble-rousing? Tsk, tsk! Mr. Zurawik, you means no one is ever aloud to question about Obama and the Emperor's clothes he is cloaked in?--Recall that Bedtime Story?

The following quotes are attributable & documented by Brainyone,com, a leading 'online source authority'. The liberal Baltimore Sun writer should take note what more was said on this subject too.  It certainly explains everything in even much more detail without all of the covert subterfuge of rhetoric by President Obama.

"Politics begin where the masses are, not where there are thousands, but where  there are millions, that is where serious politics begin. [So] When there is [a government] state there can be no freedom, but when there is freedom there will be no state.  Any cook [politician] should be able to run the country. [But] To rely upon conviction, devotion, and other excellent spiritual qualities; that is not to be taken seriously in politics. Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses. [So] A lie told often enough becomes the truth."

"It is true that liberty is precious; so precious that it must be carefully rationed [by the state]. Democracy is indispensable to socialism. [and] The goal of socialism is communism.  [Remember] One man with a gun [literally] can control 100 without one. The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency. [print & spend more money] The way to crush the [middle-class] bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."

Book Excerpt - 'Dreams from my Father' In faithfully quoting the previous passage, I did add bracketed words inserted to allow the sentences to flow together smoothly.  All sentences are actually separate quotes all made by the same man - certified by Brainyone,com researchers as attributed to the source. He was born Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov on April 22, 1870. In Simbirsk, Russia in 1901, he adopted the last name Lenin while doing underground party work. Vladimir Lenin founded the Russian Communist Party, led the Bolshevik Revolution and was the architect of the Soviet state.

Communists prey upon dysfunction and anger, and where none exists, it is created and V. I. Lenin - Russian Communist & Mass Murdererfomented. Leninism is built upon 'egalitarianism,' a class warfare of haves and have-nots in conflict with a made-up 'dialectical materialism,' meaning a questionable dialogue or untruthful message is slipped inside the conflict with a slick honest slogan, for example, like 'social progress' in order to fight for a 'just cause.' And none have been led further astray to suffer more than minorities with phony political causes during an election cycle to excite the masses to vote blindly. Communism has been the perfect magical cure-all to exploit the 'downtrodden' so easily blinded by resentment, ignorance and fear. So he was the posthumous source of "Leninism," the doctrine codified and conjoined with Marx's works by Lenin’s successors to form Marxism-Leninism, which became the Communist world view. He has been regarded as the greatest revolutionary leader and thinker since Karl Marx. Joseph Stalin followed in his footsteps to continue a ruthless and murderous rule over the Russian people.

Communists prey upon dysfunction and anger, and where none exists, it is created and fomented. Leninism is built upon egalitarianism, class conflict and dialectical materialism, embroidered in a cheap synthetic fabric of social progress. And none have been led further astray and/or suffered more because of same thanblacks. Communism was the perfect elixir to exploit downtrodden blacks easily blinded by resentment, ignorance and fear. - See more at:

Could David Zurawik, the writer at The Baltimore Sun newspaper, please dispute, refute and deny what was said here too?  It sure reads to me just like the Affordable Care Act as it is one cog in the wheel of Obama's liberal socialist programs.

Here is a real 'zinger' to think about after all this is said and done:  Everyone refers to the Affordable Care Act as the 'Obamacare Act', as his 'signature legislation and legacy'...  What if I tell you that is not the case at all? ...and Obama has designs on a bigger prize?  You ask what?...

A possibility, if you think about it, is to revamp the Affordable Care Act, ACA.  It could be put up to operate as some ancillary Government program working with Medicaid and Medicare while the majority of the insurance coverage goes back as multiple insurance payer free-market competitive-based systems with changes like tort reforms, pre-existing condition coverage reforms and open state borders to competition as just a few starting points for further legislative overhaul changes. That also should keep everybody busy looking away, but from what?

The real juicy plum, however, for a lasting legacy is one that would warm up even the heart of V.I. Lenin. It is the 'Immigration Act.' Just get your head around the fact that it has passed, just like the ACA, and Obama would really have a huge legacy forever!

Just think?  Obama could bring over the borders 45 million people, voters for the Democratic Party that would guarantee elections until eternity for all liberal socialist government programs. Obama would be always be revered as a Democrat hero.  Hillary and Bill could waltz right on through the doors of the White House in 2016. What a coup de grace?  So chew on that now while watching it come up fast in your rearview mirror this year!--"Keep your eye on that prize!"

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