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Obama Withdraws Troops to End War on Terror  

Golly, if I had known that to end any old war was as easy as to just take the troops home out of harm’s way, I would've come around much sooner to vote and support President Obama. I guess it is way too late to ask, "Just who elected him and made him the President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief anyway?"  Oops, that really happened for real too and not only once, but twice! I really want to bring a glaring point up that Obama's grand plan is not so grand.  It's probably going to fail before it ever takes off due to his inexperience with our military issues, limited support from his political appointees and his own Pollyanna, feel-good rainbow that Obama has for all-things Muslim.  Read on... 

According to the Obama White House, the word "terror" is used in the generic sense, not referring to "terrorism" or "terrorist act". The choice of words is not a trivial matter in White House parlance, and the word "terrorist act" has an historic and specific meaning. Obama spoke in the Rose Garden on Sept 12, 2012 about the Benghazi Embassy Attack:

  • "Since our founding, the United States has been a nation that respects all faiths.  We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others.  But there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts." (No mention of "terrorist act")

Obama on May 25, 2013 outlined the next phase of his administration's counter terrorism efforts, the admission of standing down our aggressive military posture towards terrorism by withdrawing troops from the middle East, limiting drone surveillance and weaponry which was like chanting a surrender call from the highest minaret. Again Obama missed the bigger point since everyone involved knows it is not a geographical area, it is the whole world that you must withdraw from to get away from the Islamic terrorist threat. His willful blindness to Global Jihad further emboldens Muslim Islamists to move from their present strategy of a slow, steady overpopulation infusion overcoming societies to now speeding up further attacks by their militant jihadists for even more violent insurrections to beat the infidel societies into submission under Sharia Laws.

Sharia Laws are so compatible to our founder's American principles too.  They treat women as submissive chattel with no rights to vote, drive a car, own property, attend school or who expect little in return for their societal self-worth soley dependent on what their husbands decide and any homosexuals treated as deviates who will be summarily beaten into submission to Allah or be stoned to death. How ironic for women's rights if Employers under Obamacare had a woman who is single and pregnant, then refused health services unless she is married under Sharia Laws or be stoned to death as an honor killing

The United States War on Terrorism is about a Holy War, a Jihad, that is ongoing until the last breath is taken by the Islamic Muslims.  The undeniable dangerous paradox is Obama understands their fanatical plot to destroy us and Obama placates them instead of destroying them - "Go figure?" 

On that query: What have you figured out?  If Obama always excuses his scandals by not knowing anything by saying, "I just read about it in the news today myself", then my gut reaction asks:

"Who else or what group is really making the U.S. global decisions about theseUSA - A Muslim Nation! ...Uh, Really?? worldwide Islamic terrorists? Or will that answer virtually come out of thin air like a Barack Hussein Obama did, literally an unknown with sealed college records, a bleak jobs resume, yet raised a $1 Billion war chest as a blank entity to defeat career politicians, then change the fabric of our country and it's destiny forever while leaving everyone still scratching their heads on really who or where is this Obama guy from anyway?" - "Say what?"

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