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Figures Don't lie, But Liars Do Figure!

Obama travels around the country comparing the 'rich fat cats' to the 'main street folks' that are, "Just at or below the poverty level." How many times have we heard him use it to define the income divide between the 'rich people' and the 'poor folks?' Read directly below from the U.S. Census Bureau site about where the phrase 'poverty level is to be used or not used, especially since it is considered a loosely defined reference in a legislative situation where precision is important.

The U.S. Census Bureau also reports, "Income and poverty estimates are from several major national household surveys and programs."..."It is important to understand that different surveys and methods, which are designed to meet different needs, may produce different results." Now that's all very instructive when deciphering the statistical data.

In a North Dakota newspaper of 1884, the oldest citation found, an anonymous reader wrote, "Figure Don't lie, But Liars Do Figure". So, I guess when Obama is stretching the truth or simply lying the 'FPL phrase' also comes in real handy too.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) -  U.S. Site
"According to the Department of Health and Human Services, "The poverty guidelines are sometimes loosely referred to as the 'federal poverty level' (FPL), but that phrase is ambiguous and should be avoided, especially in situations (e.g., legislative or administrative) where precision is important."



  Size of Family Unit     Estimated Threshold  
            1 person (unrelated individual).............      $11,892  
              Under 65 years ................................         12,119  
              65 years and over ............................         11,173  
            2 people ............................................ $15,156  
              Householder under 65 years …............         15,676  
              Householder 65 years and over ..........                               14,095  
            3 people ............................................. $18,552  
            4 people .............................................         23,836  
            5 people .............................................         28,235  
            6 people .............................................         31,932  
            7 people .............................................         36,267  
            8 people .............................................         40,269  
            9 people or more .................................         47,990  

Note: The preliminary estimates of the weighted average poverty thresholds for 2013 are calculated by multiplying the 2012 weighted average thresholds by a factor of 1.014648 the ratio of the average annual Consumer Price Index for All Consumers (CPI-U) for 2013 to the average annual CPI-U for 2012.  These estimates may differ slightly from the final thresholds that will be published in September 2014 with the release of the official poverty estimates for 2013.

At Poverty Levels: 2012 - All U.S. FAMILIES Total: 80,944 million - 25% of pop. 

The latest U.S. Census 2013 figures for total U.S. population is: 317.6 million, 64% or 203.2 million are white (Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish) despite major changes due to illegal and legal immigration since the 1960s and the higher birth-rates of nonwhites.

A March, 2013 CNN Money report stated: The top 10% of taxpayers paid over 70% of the total amount collected in federal income taxes in 2010, the latest year figures are available, according to the Tax Foundation, a think tank that advocates for lower taxes. That's up from 55% in 1986.

The remaining 90% of taxpayers bore just under 30% of the tax burden. And 47% of all Americans pay hardly anything at all. If you add back in the 25% of household that are below the poverty level who pay none, then that 47% is really only a measly 22%, hardly anything at all.

It does not take a mental giant to figure out that the generous Obamacare program will not be paid out on the backs of the rich.

Hello, you 90%, deduct the 25% below the poverty level and it leaves only 65% really paying that 30% of the tax burden; but, look out for huge tax increases you will pay for Obama's federal benefits programs.  



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