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Can Obama Really Hash it Out to Tag the Boko Haram?

Michelle, Barack & Bill with the #Hashtag Defense PlanThe Boko Haram insurgents who had kidnapped on April 14, 2014 the 276 teenage girls from a boarding school, 53 escaped with horror filled stories to tell.

So then, the U.S. "leaped in from the rear" to stand in line behind Chad, U.K., China and France. The U.S. had then dispatched eighty soldiers to guard a drone base in Chad that will be flying drones over Nigeria--the U.S. First Lady Michelle and Barack even ratcheted up their rhetoric with a very bold 'Hashtag', #BringBackOurGirls attack against the Boko Haram Islamists. Euuwee...Scary stuff!

To date there has been no other breakthroughs or any progress. So then on Monday, June 9, 2014 twenty more girls have been kidnapped only a short distance from the earlier abductions. Don't those Boko Haram Islamists ever read their 'tweet' feeds? - they are so 'unfriended' too in Facebook! Say whuh?

After all the bluster, indignation and resolve expressed by our fearless leader, the U.S. Supreme Commander Obama, again it all is for not--just more feckless, limp, gobble-gook of empty rhetoric spewed upon the ground like wasted seed blown away in time. The reality is that no military actions the President has ever sown has been brought to fruition, it just yields endless dry, barren, fallow acres. When do the Liberal lefties stop carrying Obama's water into his political dried-up wasteland? It is a disastrous crop failure, Obama's foreign policies have yielded nil. So now, what are my real feelings about this poor excuse for a President?

Obama really doesn't even know how to "Hash it out" to our enemies either! But, do you think TWO Hashtags with ALL THE WORDS IN CAPS (in bold) would shout out that the U.S. is really even more madder now with an United Nations initiative to show their force on the ground with U.N. troops? This last paragraph was all said in 'tongue-in-cheek' humour, but Obama may read it and try this plan anyway. Sad.


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