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Obama's Scrambled Eggs in Iraq - Not an Omelet! 

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.


The same can be said about Iraq--it cannot be put back together again. The Obama decision to send 300 special-forces advisers will not affect any military outcome either. The President has no clue about the scope of this ISIS terrorist organization and its ultimate intentions.  They are focused on killing every infidel, non-believer, who does not believe in Allah and the Islamic faith. All of the Iraqis population contains sects that are "the faithful" Islamists - in fact, the vast majority of the world's Muslims are Sunnis. Iraq Stats: Muslim (official) 97% (Shia 60%-65%, Sunni 32%-37%), Christian or other 3%.

The ISIS political goal is to establish a 'Caliphate", an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and political leader known as a caliph – i.e. "successor" – to Muhammad. It will ultimately engulf all entire middle Eastern countries and govern these as a sovereign entity. Their aftermath reaches beyond the length of the tenure of the Obama administration--that is fortunate for Obama since he can bail out, it's a tragedy for the American people that will have to continue to live it out to the end. 

ISIS terrorists have stated that "They will attack New York"; it is just a matter of time. Our country's defense strategy should be about controlling the borders and screening travelers. Currently, our Homeland Security and Immigration Service have performed poorly in achieving any secure border security at all. Our U.S. border programs must be a major priority or immigration and terrorists will become a way of life for all Americans.
An Eggo-maniac President

So, does the United States Army leave Iraq with "egg of its face" as it weasels away from a real fight abroad? How does that protect our sovereign shorelines? It is now seen by our Arab jihadists as capitulation, quitting--a great message we have now sent. With our open borders the jihadists can now come across and attack us on our own soil--thank you Mr. President.

It sure looks like President Obama and his advisors have laid another real big foreign policy egg, rotten through and through. 

When will the majority of the American public get it?  This guy is "amateur hour" material, a "community organizer" and without any credentials--the political myth is over--the man is a farce! The voters have been sold "a bill of goods" that did not deliver as promised.

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