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President Netanyahu - Vision for Peace is his Alone

A young Bibi Netanyahu fighting in the Israeli army certainly adds a contrast to a young Barry Soetoro pot smoking, coke toking, cigarette smoking and booze guzzling under the palm trees of Waikiki beach in Hawaii.  

Now, Bibi is 61 yrs. old and Barry is 52. Each has lived an entirely different lifestyle. That life experience has added to their global moral clarity. In order to command respect from leaders when planning foreign agenda objectives into negotiations; inexperience, indecision and inaction undermine a leader's ability to command respect and the authority to ask others to follow his lead. As Obama has stated many times, "The United States is not an exceptional country." He prefers "to lead by following" along behind other world nations in lock-step to decision making and actions. Sovereignty is not an issue under a global community umbrella, because borders should not exist as we all are here only for the good for all peoples. Obama's policies are leaving our nation bereft of allies as well as fearful enemies. No one actually takes Obama seriously anymore after all of his empty rhetoric and threats. Obama probably even sees himself finally as a 'lame duck' President, especially after the upcoming 2014 elections. 

And so it appears that Bebe Netanyahu is not just a contrast to Obama but the antithesis, a diametric opposite to the Obama global vision for the United States. After fighting in wars defending Israel, declaring his nations a unique entity on the world's stage and jealously guarding Israel's sovereign borders against hostile neighbors his actions are patriotic, nationalistic and morally sound.

The backhanded Obama assessment about the current Gaza conflict is that Israel has a right to defend itself and go in to take out tunnels and artillery batteries and the like. However, the killing of Palestinian civilians must stop due to the increased bloodshed. That makes no sense. Hamas builds missile batteries in schools and homes within civilian neighborhoods to maximize collateral human damage for propaganda. The missiles, rockets and munitions are stored in Mosques or giant labyrinthine of underground tunnels. Obama does not mention that Egypt was offered a truce and Israel accepted, Hamas did not. 

How are Obama and his administration going to deal with all of the threats around the globe with his weak Presidency? I remember when Nikita Khrushchev gave his famous "We will bury you" speech to the United Nations in 1959. It warned about Americans are so gullible. Americans will be fed a little socialism at a time and wake up one day to Communism. I laughed then, it was 55 years ago, over a half a century.

Today, in 2014, I don't laugh anymore because I see the young Millennial generation (18-33 yrs. born after 1981) are not as astute or aware of the threats by socialism and communism. Thanks to our liberal left-leaning teachers and curriculum our young people have no civics, social studies or history classes to teach about the U.S. itself. Millennials will gladly accept all of the 'freebies' that big government offers and overlook the bill that "the tax man cometh" to your door for payment afterwards. So, as Nikita Krushchev said, "We'll weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands." It looks like a real good season coming up for the United States, it's ripe for the picking! 

Of course, no country can claim to be completely unique. America obviously shares many traits with other countries, but no other country is exactly like America either. The United States has characteristics that set it apart and give it a role to play—and a national identity—that no other country has. The U.S. exceptionalism that is so unique to our country is based on an idea called freedom, guaranteed by a Constitution, founded on the creed of freedom and representative democracy to represent the people. So if we aren't any more special than the next country, then why are so many people sneaking in any way they can to be a part of our great American dream?

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