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« It's "Islamism" that's the Problem, Not "Islam!" | Main | Obama's Past History Still Shows Up in 2015 »

Obama Terrorist Policies Offer No U.S. Plans

Do you feel like a yo-yo on the end of a string that rises and falls tied to a finger as the hand moves up and down? How about affected by crises caused solely by international interventionist events? Do the words like "manipulation" or "being-used" come to mind here? I think so.

The ineptitude of the Obama administration to formulate, plan and execute real Terrorist policies has left the American public in eminent danger. The Afghan Taliban in 2010 said, "You have the watches, we have the time." The Arab terrorists have been fighting for centuries and understand this fact well. When Americans come closer to the celebrations by terrorist groups of September 11, a date marked by their victories to pull off the infamous 2001 NYC twin towers and the 2012 Benghazi embassy attacks or the brazen French 2015 Charlie Hebdo Political Cartoonist assassinations in Paris it further emboldens them too.

The method of attack is the same in all instances of terror. It was not 'box cutter' wielding airplane highjackers, heavily armed Islamist militants launching an organized attack on an embassy outpost, homicide bombers with vests or whatever other acts of terrorism. So what is it?...

The worst possible Terrorist scenario: It is the 'Element of Surprise', not knowing or suspecting anything until it was already happening; it's 'being caught with your pants down', that's the ultimate method of getting the upperhand to win any battle--and they're getting better at it too!

The rise over the past five years of the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria, ISIS, was under Obama's watch, not prior to 2009 on George Bush. It was largely just ignored by Obama, downgraded and pooh-poohed as a 'jayvee team'. Even during the last 2012 Presidential election his detractors were always scoffed at while Obama bragged, "Osama bin Laden is Qaeda was on the run!" and "..the Russian Cold War was over twenty years ago!"--Oh really, Mr. President??

Obama's 'Red-Line' policies are delineated by ultimatums with no actionable punishment for noncompliance. His political identity is closely affiliated with no intervention in the Urkraine, Syria or Iraq, so Obama's default option is to ultimately avoid any major defeats or embarrassments before he leaves office in 2016.

9/11/12 - Benghazi AttackHillary Clinton recalled Obama saying, "Don't do stupid shit" as his foreign policy approach which only allowed the ISIS threat to metastasize like cancer. This 'don't do anything and it will go away' mentality is no longer acceptable as this ISIS threat will not go away.

The Obama Middle East foreign policy contains unglued, disjointed confusion within the language of morality and platitudes rather than effective, specific, concrete goals to achieve predetermined quantifiable objectives. The policies are akin to setting zero as a goal--then no one can accuse Obama of overpromising and underdelivering. Thank God, we can hold our congressmen and senators feet to the fire by checking their promises with their roll call records.

So what can Americans do now? 

1. It is imperative to examine roll call records of our Senators and Congressmen on how they have voted for defense funding and troop deployment. Let's guarantee our own protection with votes for the representatives that really will support our troops to defend us.
2. Let the White House hear you, even President Obama listens to public opinion and watches polls. .

3. Contact your State & Federal Representatives with your opinions and ideas. They will listen since their jobs depend on it and their lobbyists' jobs too; after all, everyone has a stake in how we, the voters, support them or not. See how your representatives voted:

4. You must VOTE in the November 2016 Presidential Election to elect a Republican President and Representatives that will unseat politicians who do not support our energy independence and jobs growth with drilling oil, gas fields and mining coal. This growing U.S. production will cripple the Middle East strangle hold on the world economy that funds terrorism too. 

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