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Hitler is not in Paris - Then who is?

A prayer rug mosiac on the Paris streets.The Islamation of Paris, France is happening as you view this recent Christian Broadcast Network newscast.  It is a very stark, vivid, real-life depiction of religious fanaticism devouring a nation whole leaving nothing but scraps on the ground for non-believers to exist under Sharia Law and pay dhimmitude. 


Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam.


Time 4:50

The historic irony is two-fold here.  In World War II,  Hitler cajoled  and wooed the French toAdolph Hitler in Paris, France during NAZI occupation. embrace a treaty to coexist before invading and occupying their country. Consequently, the United States came to France's rescue and turned back the aggressor into a defeat.

Today, the Islamic Muslims have accomplished their coexistence as their invasion and occupation of France takes over the French society. Today, the United States cannot rescue France because it is currently bending to the same Islamic Muslim pressure for submission too.

The politically correct actions by Liberal American politicians are sympathetic to these causes while turning deaf ears to all of the non-believers' cries of dissention.

It will be interesting how the European Union tolerates and supports more exploitation under the banner of religious freedom, especially as the working majority is burdened further with burgeoning government largess to non-productive economic squatters who despise the European infidels, their non-Islam beliefs and who deny that the holocaust even happened at all.

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