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A Circus Freak Show of Horrors

This past American Thinker blog site article from the Trump-Clinton 2016 election explains where this pundit came up from to interview.

On November 14, 2020 with Eric Shawn, FOX News reporter, he interviewed a so-called exoert about the impossibility of any computer ballot count tampering. Dubiously, Prof. Halderman is billed as a proclaimed expert for the FOX Lib News Network!

A "Fox in the Hen House" or A "FOX in the "White House" - NO Difference!

November 28, 2016

The Disingenuous Dr. Halderman


By Bruce Heiden

Until a week ago Professor J. Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan was pretty much unknown outside the world of cyber-security, in which he holds a place of distinction as an academic expert on security problems concerning elections in the U.S. and other countries. But this technical expert has put himself on the way to becoming a household name since in 2016 he reportedly advised the Clinton campaign team that they should request recounts of the presidential balloting in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania because of suspicion that Russia had hacked into their computerized voting systems and affected the outcomes.

Green Party Presidential candidate, Jill Stein’s petition for a recount of her 2016 Wisconsin balloting included an affidavit from Professor Halderman, which Stein cites as the sole “basis of belief” that irregularities occurred in Wisconsin that support her petition for a recount. So what does Professor Halderman say in his affidavit? The one point on which Professor Halderman lays the greatest stress is that he, Professor J. Alex Halderman, is a really, really big expert in cyber-security.

*   *   *   *   *

Of course now it's 2020, liberal voices with some of those even in Trump's own ranks loudly warned President Trump that the contents of Hunter Biden laptop are a losing issue for him in the winning of the 2020 presidential election campaign. Instead here, he should emphasize the economic progress promise of a second Trump term.  I heard a distinctive unsympathetic Democrat commentator Marie Harf, on FOX News, state that voters don’t care about Hunter Biden‘s laptop. She’s wrong, and she knows it. Her party's resistance has persecuted President Trump for years with a series of made-up scandals, Russian collusion, Ukrainian interference, corruption, and indiscretions.

The Democrat claims are structurally almost indistinguishable from the Joe-Hunter Biden scandal except that their scale is all made up. Democrats did this, but not because they think the public is interested in the president's phone calls or associates, but because they pushed the ornorous belief that the correct public position should be all about character, of which these Democrat operatives were determined to blacken it with every weapon or pseudonyms that fell within reach while ignoring questions on all details or any issues about Democrat plans, programs, and laws. It's classic duplicity.

The Democrat campaign was a real piece of work with this critical aspect of the resistance. It means if you’re simply Donald Trump, corrupt to the soul of reason, then Joe Biden is a decent guy who was the quick fix for our lost national soul. Voters like to indulge in moral posturing and Democrats have spent generations convincing them that somehow they are better off morally, but not prosperous, and so Joe is really very moral. If these ploys didn’t work, Biden would never get elected. But they did, just open your eyes to reality on how their corrupt TV news networks along with Internet social media giants blocked or buried all of the glaring Biden picadillos. "There is a sucker born every minute." - see BIO.

BIO: There is no shortage of naive people ready to become victims of frauds and cheats. Background: This expression appears to have originated in the USA around 1850 and is often loosely attributed to circus promoter, P.T. Barnum (1810-1891), the founder of the Greatest Show on Earth.   

Joe-Joe Bye-Done said, "You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier" at a campaign rally and maybe it refered to Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy, who was a famous Russian sideshow performer that was brought to the United States of America in 1884 by P.T. Barnum. 

Joe-Joe Bye-Done appears now to head the Circus as RingMaster who is the Ring Leader of the newly elected Progressive Party under the Democrat big tent - Crack the Whip!  ...Bring in the Clowns!  ...Watch the rats scurry up under the big tent!  ...Let their 3 Ring Circus begin!

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