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Seattle's Liberal Elite Cheer Anti-Police Protesters Then Hire Their Own Private Security

Seattle’s taking a page from the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina. When half of the New Orleans Police Department walked off the job before and after Katrina, private security firms answered the call. Today, Seattle’s swells, who cheered on anti-police protesters from their high-rises and Madrona manses, are doing the same thing.

With apologies to “Top Gun,” the movie line is: "Your Ego is Writing Checks Your Body Can't Cash." ~  "The Seattle elite’s egos are writing checks the rest of us poor schmucks have to pay."

Business owners, afraid that Mayor Jenny Durkan will continue to let the rioters go buck wild while simultaneously standing down the cops, are hiring private security at a frantic pace.

The Seattle Times reports that local security firms have been swamped with calls asking for private security to watch their businesses in case rioters, arsonists and looters further target them.

What does this mean to the local community about these anarchists?  Maybe, it's time to stand up and take back their town that they own and allow those businesses to open without fear for their lives and livlihoods. 

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