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Entries in Abortions (1)


Abortion is Down for the Count - The Numbers Game 

Planned Parenthood Status Today

"Although they’re missing data from too many states to give an accurate national total, the latest surveillance report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) does tell us something significant about abortion in America: that the number of abortions are indeed going down in the country, and possibly by a significant margin.

"According to the CDC’s “Abortion Surveillance,” there were 765,651 abortions reported to government agency by state health departments for 2010. What we do see with the latest report is a drop of 3.1% from the totals of 2009, which were already a drop of 4.6% from the 2008 surveillance report. If this is accurate, that is very, very good news!

"But, before rushing out to tell people that the number of abortions in the U.S. has dropped by almost half a million, keep in mind that three states – Maryland, New Hampshire, and the nation’s most populous state, California – did not report any abortion data to the CDC. California and New Hampshire data was pulled out of the national reporting system in 1998 - go figure.

"These three missing states not only constituted over 15% of U.S. population in 2010, but also housed a relatively high saturation of abortion clinics. (e.g., a web search shows some 90 abortion clinics operated in California by Planned Parenthood alone). Thus it’s clear that this count is short by several hundred thousand.

"High numbers of abortions continue to be repeat abortions. Of those abortions where the presence or absence of a previous abortion was known, 44.6% were repeat abortions. Eight and a half percent had had three previous abortions or more - it sure indicates a total disregard for any 'safe sex' condoms against veneral diseases besides the child abortions too!

"Another troubling statistic is that CDC figures continue to show that high numbers of aborting women have already given birth to a child. Almost 60% (59.7%) of aborting women the CDC had data on had already had given birth to at least one child before having their abortions in 2010.

"The latest CDC report does inform us that more than four hundred women have died from legal abortion since 1973 (figures aren’t available for 2010 yet). And if they try to tell you that this is an artifact of our less medically advanced past, let them know that 85 of those women have died since 2000"

"The lower abortion rates and ratios show that the lower numbers reflect not merely some statistical aberration due to population shifts but actual changes in attitudes and actions towards abortion in the wider culture. Abortion is becoming a less common occurrence in our society and a less common choice among pregnant women.

"That numbers, rates, and ratios have come down so far is a testament to the hard work and dedication of pro-lifers. They have passed out the literature, gotten the laws passed, offered practical assistance and realistic alternatives to abortion that were better for both mother and child. And, the numbers show they have been effective."[1] 

Planned Parenthood Founder

The liberal progressives exalt Margaret Sanger as the blessed Patron Saint who advanced women to new heights and freed all women from oppressive bonds by her advocation of abortion as the only ultimate answer to unwanted pregnancies.

"Margaret Sanger, was an American elite (whose second marriage to oil tycoon Noah Slee provided much of the financial backing for her cause), a mother herself, she abandoned her own children for something she felt was more worthy of her time and passion. So, it’s important to understand the context in which she championed such ‘rights’. It was not out of benevolence but a deep-seated hatred of ‘forced’ motherhood, chastity, of the ‘inferior classes’, of religion (especially Catholicism), and racial elements that were a hindrance to the breeding of a ‘race of thoroughbreds’. She wasn’t interested in removing the cause of poverty, illiteracy, illegitimate births, or other social ills–just attacking the result…innocent life…which inherently had nothing to do with any of the conditions in which he or she was given life.

“Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.” These are the words of a woman who is heralded by women’s rights groups worldwide.  These are the words ofPresident Woodrow Wilson Margaret Sanger, the mother of Planned Parenthood, whose beliefs were firmly rooted in the destructive pseudo-science of Negative Eugenics, a social movement that believed in selective breeding to better the human race by preventing the reproduction of the ‘unfit’.  

"Professionally, Sanger was a nurse who testified before the U.S. Senate in 1916 to call for the formation of the Population Congress that would seek to employ Negative Eugenics to separate humanity. Drastically limiting immigration of those considered ‘unfit’ was a mainstay of Sanger and her fellow eugenists like Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, Charles Darwin, Luther Burbank and Alexander Graham Bell who were staunch early supporters. Their draconian proposals of forced segregation, for American citizens, were commonly held views among these ‘progressives’ who sought to achieve a superior and more intelligent race. 

"Eugenic leaders are elitists who think they were endowed with wisdom and had the right to pass judgement on others in the name of progress. Positive eugenic ideas about family planning and public health may seem in tune with views common in American society today, although many people would fail to see any connection. However, the coercive tactics of eugenics — race separation, marriage restriction, immigration restriction, and sterilization — fly in the face of current ideals for a compassionate, pluralistic society.

"In 1943, Margaret Sanger, as the founder of the 'American Birth Control League,' renamed it 'Planned Parenthood.' She was funded by the same elite eugenists (i.e. John D. Rockefeller) who also, concurrently, funded Eugene Fischer and his work at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute (responsible for the Nazi scientific theories of racial hygiene that led the the slaughter of millions of Jews, gypsies, blacks and others deemed the inferior race).

"When overt eugenics programs became outlawed, its goals and ideology remained thoroughly intact and devastatingly effective through the policy of Birth Control and the legalization of abortion. Eugenicists merely changed the language, speaking in euphemisms. Today, abortion is a billion dollar industry that escapes any mainstream scrutiny as it pawns off birth control and the deliberate killing of unborn children as the false resolve to poverty. It exploits the mythology of global overpopulation, the narcissism of economic convenience and the false liberty of total sexual liberation"[1]