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Entries in Al Sharpton (1)


Zimmerman Acquitted - Now Fabrications & Lies

All Things Political

After Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton had shown up on the scene, it was to be expected after the Trayvon Martin trial the race card would be pulled out and charged. It always stirs up the black community into a feeding frenzy.

During the trial there were many bogus facts, stories and pictures flying around the Internet too. One picture that has had plenty of play is displayed here. It is cited as the "picture that FOX News has not shown" on its telecasts with the copy saying, "THEY continue showing the old five year photos of Trayvon to cement in your mind the little child rather than this MONSTER..."  

It was laughable on two counts: One - FOX News, an often maligned conservative show, was now in a suspicious conspiracy; and Two - Jayceon Terrell Taylor, stage name "Game", who was erroneously displayed with his tattoos as Trayvon Martin, when Trayvon had only two tattoos, one on the wrist and elbow. This picture goes with the pattern of racism by stirring up the white community. 

Another perspective on why the erroneous Trayvon Martin picture of  Jayceon Terrell Taylor, "Game", was sent around as a misinformation campaign. It purposely was to be discovered in order to discredit FOX News as a credible news source and show how rabid NRA members and bigoted whites are wrongfully stirring up their hatred against blacks.

All Things Personal go Political

We all bring our personal experiences into our decisions. Eric Holder recalled his at a NAACP Meeting in Washington, DC on the day following the trial.  As a young man on a date, Eric alleged that he was racially profiled when stopped on the New Jersey parkwayHolder's actions show this kind of strategy. and searched. He vehemently resented it, then twisted his experience into a "George Zimmerman profiling tirade" that spiralled upwards to a call for a "stand up" to the "Stand Your Ground" law since it has unintended consequences leading to death creating an open season on more blacks being shot. (It's a high possibility since the FBI states 91% of all black homicides and 50% of all homicides are killed by blacks.)  Eric race-baited the speech.

FYI: People are ignorant about "Stand Your Ground" laws. They are not new, called "self-defense" laws guaranteed under the 2nd Amendment of our U.S. Constitution and date back to English Common Law. The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628 states the "Castle Doctrine" as one can use force (up to and including deadly force) to defend against an intruder -- free from legal responsibility/prosecution for the consequences of the force used.