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Entries in Border Security (2)


The Real Truth Really Does Hurt!

It is impossible to understand Islam and most Muslims by just listening to their muted protestationsBARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA against radical terrorism with a faint proclamation of American patriotism.

Usually, it is wise and fair to give people the benefit of the doubt but when it comes to national safety and the future of America, we had better look twice, even thrice at Muslim patriotism. Why? Because Islam permits lying! It is called “Al-taqiyya.”

One Muslim said that Al-taqiyya means dissimulation then he expanded it to diplomacy but he should have gone further to deception. Now some Muslims who do not follow the Koran are as faithful Americans as any of us, but the problem is, we cannot know--Hello Homeland background checks? ...Goodby to reliable Security measures!

deception; the Islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies.

Muslims lie when it is in their interest to do so and “Allah” will not hold them accountable for lying when it is beneficial to the cause of Islam. They can lie without any guilt or fear of accountability or retribution. A lie in the defense of Islam is approved even applauded in their “holy” books.

Muslims are permitted to lie: (1) to save their lives, (2) to reconcile a husband and wife, (3) to persuade a woman into a bedroom and (4) to facilitate one on his journey. Muslims are even permitted to disavow Islam and Mohammed if it is not a genuine heart-felt rejection. Muslims will tell you that concealment of a truth is not an abandonment of that truth if it benefits Islam.

It seems our President and his advisors are clueless as to the desires, doctrines, and directives of Islam.  Many Americans now finally feeling unsafe are justified in giving advice to our national leaders, it has become necessary since no one else at the top is affecting anything, but it's more likely that Obama and his minions really know exactly what he is not doing too, but why? Do any of his actions make sense at all?

Muslims lie not because they are liars by nature but by choice. Systematic lying as a religious policy is deadly, and since our politicians are not even willing to try to understand this, thousands will die. 

Factoid: The San Bernardino, CA attack is their clarion call to arms in the Islamic Terrorist War, the radical Islamic call for Muslims to take down all American infidels on their own turf! 

How many could be incited to join forces here?  It is well documented that of all Muslims 20% are radicals, of which there are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world, of which so there are 300 Million Radical Islamists against a total United States population of 330 Million peoples, of which so an estimated of 3 to 7 Million are Muslims, of which that leaves 323 Million men, women and children infidels living in the United States.

The West remains mired in cowardice and complicity. Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in Europe, which is on the fast track to join the Caliphate with America right behind in lockstep too.

It's time to recognize the Real Truth to see the Real Danger! 

Is the "Dirty Bomb" the next U.S. Islamic Terrorist atrocity?


Amigos - Wash Your Hands Before Leaving Home!

Recent news events triggered me to recall a memorable holiday trip in 1989 that my family and I made to Phoenix, AZ where we were visiting relatives. We also planned a day's side-trip to Nogales, Mexico to shop. As we traveled south down closer to the Arizona-Mexico border, mileage signs were now in kilometers and the local McDonald's road signs read “Me Encanta!" or "I love it!". When we arrived in Nogales, AZ, as we expected, we heard only Spanish as Mexicans were teaming over all of the streets while going about their business as they busily bustled around the crowded sidewalks and streets.

Since upon arriving early in mid-morning, I now had a wife and three hungry girls who wantedMcDonald's - Nogales, AZ a quick breakfast to tide them over until we later had a 'Mexican' lunch across the border. What was the most recognizable eatery we saw? ...McDonald's of course. So we crossed the street and went inside and that's where our real experience began. The noisy crowded chatter filled the restaurant as we screamed out our meal order. Then, after finding a table, we all sat down to wait for our food order.

In the meantime, I went to wash my hands, 'Lavese Las Manos', in the men's bathroom or in the 'Bano de Hombres'. As I walked in, it was a typical McDonald's formula for 'same-o, same-o' facilities layout with a standup porcelain urinal and toilet with a toilet paper roll holder, sink and soap with paper towel dispensers. I stood up to the urinal and then turned to wash my hands with water. The soap was out, the paper towels were gone; so, I stepped into the toilet stall and took some toilet paper to dry my hands. Suddenly, it made me wretch, a stench so powerful and putrid, that I lost my appetite immediately. I had overlooked a small plastic waste basket to the left behind the toilet bowl.  It was filled to overflowing with shit covered toilet paper. Ugh!

As a fact of life, many third world countries have such poor sewage systems that human waste can barely pass through the sewer pipes much less toilet paper debris. So, they dispose of their toilet paper in trash cans which in turn spread the fecal matter germs, E. coliform bacterium, and diseases such as gastroenteritis, ear infections, typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis A, and cholera. It is a common contagion thoughout So. America, Africa and So. East Asia that kills many people annually. Any public sanitation is virtually unavailable in many outlying areas.

So why is this incident in 1989 so important twenty-five years later? Well, who do you think is now crossing over the U.S. borders in droves, numbers so large that health screenings have been tossed out? Why is this happening now? President Obama wants to claim at least one victory for his Presidential legacy that he is willing to risk the health of all American citizens for his own selfish gain. Do you ever notice that Obama never brings this very dire health warning up when talking about these unwashed illegal aliens of all ages? Is this why the Homeland Security as well as the U.S. Border Patrol has been ordered to not mention these health conditions in the holding areas for these illegals?

Why do they only show kids and not these guys and older men on the news reports? Are there any criminals and gang members? Personal cleanliness aside, on initial cursory examinations many aliens are questionable healthwise which include untreated mental disorders; overall pungent body odors; poor oral hygiene and teeth; noticeable skin rashes, scabies, and lesions; hair and scalp lice infestations; chronic debilitating vitamin deficiencies; test positives for diphtheria, chicken pox, gastroenteritis, ear infections, typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis A, and cholera.

If those physical conditions aren't bad enough, another human condition has come to light.--U.S. Border agents now complain that these illegals that are crowded in cells are not all educated or trained to wash hands, less know about sanitary practices about simple toilet training in the porta-potties. Some don't even sit on the toilets and stand ontop to urinate and defecate as if they are holes in the ground, in which many illegals are used to using back home besides throwing shitty toilet paper after wiping on the floors. 

It's Time to Contact Your Senator & Congressman - Tell Them to Vote on Closed Borders! 


Epilogue: The old landmark Nogales, AZ McDonald's next to the international line - the one so many of us visited over the last 35 years during shopping trips to the border town was demolished in 2011 and replaced with a new store. 

I have not been back since and know the McDonald's menu has changed in all of the stores, but I don't think the clientele has changed much in Nogales, AZ. So, if I want to experience that kind of ambiance, I have a fairly better than even chance it is in my own neighborhood now thanks to the Obama illegal alien act.