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Entries in Campaign Financing Laws (1)


Hillary's 2016 Election Bid Fallout - Dirty Politics

Hillary Clinton & Jeffrey Thompson

It seems that an ole gal like Hillary Clinton can't stay clean too long before more of her shady political chicanery starts to surface again--and so close to another election. Up to her old illegal campaign donation tricks, she's again hiding how much, who gave and where it went without any reportable or taxable income. Abra-cadabra! Presto-chango!  Poof-all gone!

"Millionaire D.C. power broker Jeffrey Thompson until recently ran the influential accounting and public-relations firm Thompson, Cobb, Bazilio & Associates in Washington DC. Prosecutors in numerous court documents claim Mr. Thompson has long been orchestrating 'straw donations,' and they label his former firm—from which he allegedly funneled the money—an 'assembly line' for illegal donations.

"The owner of a New York marketing firm that does work for political campaigns, Troy White, had pleaded guilty for failing to report to the IRS $600,000 it had received for work in support of Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential primary campaign. According to court documents, Mr. White had offered his get-out-the-vote services to the Clinton campaign and was officially told no. But a longtime and close Clinton adviser, Minyon Moore, then put Mr. White in touch with Mr. Thompson, who 'funneled' money for the effort via his network of companies.

"Mrs. Clinton rushed out a statement reminding everyone that her campaign had officially "turned down Mr. White's services." Then again, when a federal judge asked Mr. White whether there was "cooperation" between his company and the campaign, he answered "yes." And Mrs. Clinton knows Mr. Thompson. He has donated to the Clinton foundation.

Mr. White is now cooperating with what the U.S. attorney says is a 'continuing investigation.' That's an ugly prospect for the upcoming 'Hillary for President 2016' Campaign."