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Entries in Chinese Navy Defenses (3)


All the Real Poo-Poo on Pooh

Pooh & Hu

The titled picture above is just way too delicious to pass up as an excellent megaphone for a derogatory commentary about the individuals pictured strolling alongside cartoon characters - Winnie the Pooh & Tigger.

The casting of the characters couldn't have been closer to the truth for the Chinese Paper Tiger Chairman and the Poo-Poo Head US President. As you'll recall, Pooh is the dimwitted bear with a craved honey fixation that ignores any reason while coveting the prized honey pot at any costs. It's amusing that Hu, the Chinese communist chairman-for-life, has found his cartoon image depiction so offensive that it's been permanently banned in China.

Now! ...that's a socialist program for freedom of the press and free speech at work! - all human rights flushed down the toilet. Where is Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren speaking out more for their brand of socialism?

Obama's past China policies were passive weak knee-jerks. Obama never kicked China in the ass to gain any respect, only more contrition while businesses and jobs were exported overseas and US economy was shrinking. 

Factoid: Forced Transaction Technology is concerning China’s reliance on forced transfer of technology and production from U.S. aerospace companies in return for market access.

That's quite a full "Honey Pot" that Hu chased after with Obama's total disregard for job losses and a real peril to the US economy and America's future. President Trump is now turning that failed Obama China Foreign Policy around.

The Trump administration should move quickly to implement a comprehensive China strategy which includes:

  • Placing tariffs on Chinese aerospace parts, components, and subassemblies that cost U.S. jobs;
  • Filing a complaint (preferably joined by the European Union) at the World Trade Organization (WTO) against China’s unfair trade practices regarding forced transfers and subsidies to its aerospace industry; and,
  • Making the elimination of forced transfers of technology and production a priority in bilateral and multilateral dialogues, including discussions over the U.S.-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP).

in order for these actions to be effective, they must also be combined with a comprehensive strategy - that includes multilateral efforts to stop China from pitting one country’s aerospace industry against another’s.

If this multilateral action is not achieved, China will simply continue. They will keep forcing western aerospace companies to transfer technology and production to them. 


Can Obama Eat the Most Jello With Chop Sticks?

How much Jello can Obama eat with Chinese chop sticks? The Guinness World Records for the most Jello eaten with chopsticks in one minute is 610 g (1 lb 5 oz) and was achieved by Ashrita Furman (USA) at the Panorama Café in New York, New York, USA, on 7 December 2010. Maybe breaking this record will impress Chinese President Hu because so far he sees Obama with less backbone in political power than a bowl of limp schezwan noodles. 

Chinese Navy escorts ships in So China Seas.I recently saw the Mike Huckabee Show coverage on the new Chinese Blue Water Navy Fleet revelation and it struck me that he was talking like it was some big upcoming surprise to everyone. But, it was only new to those who never read about China and their Deep Blue Water Navy as far back as 2002 as I did. It's just like a joke on the ignorant American public as the Obamacare head economist, MIT professor Jonathan Gruber duly noted, "...the stupidity of the American voter to know the difference," as it was here proving once again that voters, like mushrooms, are kept in a dark cellar and fed a lot of shit by politicians. 

If I knew about it for over ten years, then our military knew it all along with everyone in Washington, DC. Why didn't anyone bring it up since then? Because, the politicians were seeing that military expenditures were spiraling up higher, out of control due to Iraq and Afghanistan wars and did not want to tell the voters that our military needed new ships for our future naval defense. People always think of "boots on the ground" instead of "ships on the waters" when fighting our enemies. But, if you understand ocean trade routes in our global economy, the dominate naval fleet controls international politics through goods and services; therefore, it dictates power worldwide. 

Guess what? The Chinese war hawks have now come home to roost while the US acts mind-numbingly so stupid and slow to see them and react. It's no wonder when most Americans are slouched in front of their TVs watching liberal govt censored news, stale worn-out sitcoms, cliché reality shows or trivial video games. Cell phones with texting and social media sites exponentially add to all those crazy distractions too.

I had a blog about this very same China problem back on July 14, 2014. It was actually updated twice from an earlier blog I first published in 2010. It has been a very popular article read by many readers. You can find it at: Obama High Seas Confusion Dooms U.S. Trade

When you see my blog, the map of the ocean passage in the India-China seas shows the big picture of why and what is the China threat to the world and US. In spite of this growing Chinese aggression, the US military's advanced armaments and equipment offer a wide umbrella of defense/offense options as the United States maintains military superiority for the foreseeable future.

Many experts project this lead over the next decade or so is because of devaluation in Yuan currency exchange rates to the US$ due to massive government infrastructure outlays for power, roads, sanitation and housing (over 30 mil still living in caves); fewer jobs and higher unemployment; environmental pollution; mass population shifts from agrarian jobs to urban careers; expansion of higher public education programs; overall public health problems of over 6 mil/yr killed by smoking and heart disease along with care for an ever-growing aging population; and further civil unrest with more disobedience to centralized authorities. 

So this momentary lead is not like a Monopoly game where it gives the US a "Get Out Jail" cardObama Monopoly Money Banker and "Collect $200 As You Pass Go" to continue on the way we have been. It is but a signpost telling us it's time to redress our defense budgets and build it up for the future before it is too late to defend our own sovereignty and preeminence in the world.   

A Good-News and Bad-News facts: China’s symmetric capabilities, the ability to attack on various fronts such as air, land, internet, nuclear weapons, bombs and missiles, and ground troops will have the potential to mitigate or lessen our US military advantage. This could have a positive effect in the sense that both great powers deter each other. China and the United States have grown increasingly economic interdependent, sharing many common interests. This lucrative relationship may reduce the chance for tension. However, everyone should remember in both WW1 and WW2 of the 20th Century, Germany was Britain’s largest trade partner--how did that work out?

Words of Caution: Don't ever think of the Chinese as some 'warm', 'fuzzy', 'compassionate' ally to confide in with a group hug within a 'kumbaya' moment. Maoists philosophically believes the US, a Christian nation cannot coexist with China, a Communist nation. They are a strict Confucian society that believes in order as the people show respect and subservient behavior to all civil authority without question--no American democracy or Constitutional freedom of the people here.

US 1.9 vs. China 4.34 Billion Tons CO2 PollutionWith the Chinese government their competitive, aggressive actions truly show what they are thinking, not by what they're saying. Get over 'being candid or truthful' in any negotiations with the Chinese, they will do whatever it takes, including lies, to accomplish their nationalistic goals, period. There is a great civics lesson for the US voters--pay attention for a change and learn some cold hard facts about China!

Pathetically, President Obama is clueless as he makes more empty non-binding environmental deals limiting US coal useage to reduce carbon pollution output. That's Obama 'speaktalk' for stopping more of US domestic manufacturing to our economic detriment. This is all while China builds two coal-fired plants a week to increase production and create more jobs.


Presidential Final Debate - Ended at the First Debate: Romney Won!

"You mentioned....that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916.  Well, Governor, we also have fewer horse and bayonets - because the nature of our military's changed."

Obama explains his Arms Race reductions.The President is wrong on military nature!

I read in Newsweek Magazine in 2002 that the Chinese would have the largest "Deep Blue Water Navy" in the world by 2013. (That's warfare speak for "the country that controls all the shipping lanes under the ocean waters with a huge submarine fleet with an arsenal of sea to air missiles rules the world" as a super power.) It looks pretty doggone right on target in what I have read more recently.

Romney should have also stressed that it takes time, more important than money, to build ships to overtake adversaries and maintain our strategic lead. Despite our superior intelligence network, it only allows us to assess other nations operating within any regional theater, like the South China seas, not actively defend or attack aggressors. It's hardly an enviable position to find the most powerful government of the free world in to execute its agenda over foreign policies.

South China Seas - World Trade Sea Lanes

As Governor Romney hit on the point that our U.S. Navy was lacking in various warships. Many Americans are not even aware of why this region is important to the world.  It is the major sea trade route from the middle East to transport goods and services to Europe and beyond.  It passes through several national and international waters.

Why Is The South China Sea Important?

There are several reasons:

  • Critical trade route: Much of the trade between Europe and the Middle East and East Asia passes from the Indian Ocean through the Malacca Strait, then up through the South China Sea to China, South Korea, and Japan. Japanese defence planners in particular don’t want this trade route dominated by China, even though the likelihood of interdiction is remote.
  • Oil and gas reserves: Some of the islands are believed to contain significant hydrocarbon resources. Given that most Asian economies import the vast majority of their oil needs, mainly from the Middle East, they naturally wish to tap sources closer to home. The sea also has substantial fish resources.
  • Global naval strategy: China is seeking naval preponderance in the South China Sea as part of its bid to become a global naval power. This would include projection capabilities in the Indian Ocean, which is fast becoming a zone of Great Power competition. Japan and South Korea, too, are seeking to strengthen their naval prowess.


Militarized States

Nov 22, 2010

China has recently been increasing its defense budget by more than 10 percent in most years, and building a real blue-water Navy. “The pace and scope of China’s military modernization have increased,” notes the Pentagon’s most recent report on the Chinese military. This buildup will “increase China’s options for using military force to gain diplomatic advantage or resolve disputes in its favor.”

The Nature of Modern War

As much as some nations today talk about nuclear armaments, I believe a majority of these nations really want just a saber to rattle to maintain a hegemony over other countries to rule geopolitically to sub-ordinate states by the implied means of power, the threat of the threat, rather than by direct military force. So, reasons vary in degree from persuasion to aggression too.  Obama's very technical explanation of U.S. Arms Defense to American Voters during debate.

It is true some seek bombs and want to use them, renegade regimes like North Korea and Iran are at the top of that list, other terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and al Queda do too. It seems to be that these countries are after the big payloads for missiles and the terrorist groups specialize in smaller weapons such as dirty suitcase bombs or IED, improvised explosive devices that are easier to detonate.

Hand-to-hand combat war, however, is not going away anytime soon just because of nuclear options, sophisticated smart bombs, drone missile attacks or aircraft carriers that are floating around the oceans. Conventional warfare can still be fought effectively, witness the insurgents taking down governments around the middle East.  The U.S. Marine Corps trains with fixed bayonets in case of close combat situations too.

How can President Obama and his Administration be foolhardy to claim that less and smaller defense is better in today's world?