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Entries in Conservative 501(c)(4) Tax Exempt Groups scandal (1)


Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

In 1887, an English Historian, Lord Acton observed, "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely" - in  1970, the first Earth Day, cartoon Comic Pogo declared, "I have met the enemy and he is us." These two incongruous quotes offer this sage observation: "We are our own enemy if we let our government become more absolutely corrupt with its absolute power over us." 

Church Tombstone Tiled Floor - Where he is entombed.Reaching out for an eight hundred and forty-four year old case about a homicide is certainly remarkable in itself. Moreover though, it's current relevance is just as profound today. On December 19, 1170 in a small town in England, a fifty-two year old man was murdered by four assailants near a church alter. This heinous crime was a vengeful act since it was to kill a voice to stifle the source of political opposition.

That story is closely akin to today's IRS proposals for new tax-exempt 501(c)(4) group rules to redefine 'political activity'. They include 'voter-registration drives' that sign up new partisan voters and the 'production of non-partisan scorecards' that define a legislator's voting record to restrict what the IRS Agency deems as excessive spending on campaigns by tax-exempt 501(c)(4) groups, the main target being conservative ones. These new regulations are designed to kill a voice to stifle political opposition too.

In 1170, at Canterbury Cathedral the King's knights began hacking at their victim finally splitting his skull, a sword's crushing blow 'extinguished the life' of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. On that cold December evening he struggled on the steps of his altar refusing to accept the King's abuse of secular authority over him about the privileges and rights of the churchKing Henry, in a rage, was purported to shout: "What sluggards, what cowards have I brought up in my court, who care nothing for their allegiance to their lord. Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest." The brutal event sent a tremor through Medieval Europe. Public opinion of the time and subsequent history have laid the blame for the murder at the feet of Becket's former close personal friend, King Henry II.

So too, the crushing blows by the IRS to 'extinguish the life' of tax-exempt 501(c)(4) groups is equally brutal, but that is 'Chicago-style Politics'. It only gets dirtier as the polls get closer to a count of ballots in the mid-term elections. With so many Democrat candidates to defend for the past five years years of Democrat legislation passed, this is a welcomed IRS 'Hail Mary' law passed for Democrats that would slam down all the conservative megaphones during the mid-term reelection bids for sure. They still see no abuse of power by the Obama administration in the IRS scandal. What does IRS director of exempt organizations, Lois Lerner know? 

On January 21, 2010 the Supreme Court held that only Corporations and Unions can make independent expenditures in political races. The Democrats were ecstatic. On March 26, 2010, the DC Court of Appeals held up that 'persons' and including 'tax-exempt 501(c)(4) corporations' like 'Citizens United', a conservative group, can pool resources for political purposes. The Democrats wailed and complained.--"We fear the decision has given the traditionally pro-business GOP a powerful new advantage." (Obviously referring to the big, bad, conservative billionaires like the Koch brothers)

HELLO! - Democrats please mention your powerful, moneyed donors too:

  • Government and Private Unions (SEIC, AFO-CIO, IBT, CWA, UFW, et. al.)
  • Billionaire Peter Soros
  • Billionaire Hedge Fund Mgr.Tom Styer 
  • Billionaire Warren Buffett
  • Billionaire Bill Gates
  • Billionaire Google CEO Larry Page
  • Billionaire Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
  • Billionaire Property Heiress Penny Pritzker
  • Billionaire Hollywood Moguls & Stars

These are just a few left-wing liberals that fund the Demo coffers too. I get so really tired of the left-wing-nut pundits and liberal mainstream media conveniently not bringing out this glaring list of like-minded wealthy contributors.