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Entries in Conservative Values (1)


A Romney - Reagan Ticket to Win!

Romney has the Reagan Spirit - Alive & Well

"The late William F. Buckley Jr. naturally put it best when he said, “The wisest choice would be the one who could win. No sense running Mona Lisa in a beauty contest. I’d be for the most right, viable candidate who could win.”

Bill Buckley’s Law applies to Mitt Romney today. And it’s worth noting Rush Limbaugh’s recent update to the dictum. Following Romney’s terrific Illinois victory speech, Rush said flatly, “A conservative alternative to Romney is Romney.”

Mitt Romney cheerfully campaigns on, currently the only real outsider in the race that has not lived in Washington or been fully involved yet in the "establishment style" politics.  The most conservative candidate to run for president since another former Republican Governor, Ronald Reagan, who was also denounced back then by the Washington Establishment as "too Establishment" during his own campaign.

Mitt Romney in Massachusetts, like Ronald Reagan in California, had governed at a state level in liberal politics in a very Blue state too.  Now that, for sure, is trial by fire being a Republican in Democrat politics which builds character, experience and an understanding on how to lead while working to build a team effort of both sides to pass meaningful legislation while not giving up conservative principles!   

Then Romney told us recently, “This election will be about principle. Our economic freedom will be on the ballot.” And for many months he has been talking about the battle for America’s soul, between Obama’s big-government entitlement state and his vision of a merit-based opportunity society.

This is Reagan-like. This is Paul Ryan’s American idea.
This is, in short, profoundly conservative. An election winner.

Wake up!  Are you are listening to Obama's steady drum beat during his march on the way to a 2012 victory?  Obama is desperately beating loudly to drown out the truth during this election. ...Obama cannot stand on his Presidential record!

Romney shares Reagan Spirit to Uplift & Revitalize America!