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Entries in Don't Shoot! (1)


What do G.I. Joe, Santa's Elf & Terrorists share?

I was sent a holiday seasons picture depicting a GI Joe action figure at a kitchen sink faucet waterboarding an Elf with a face cloth to find out what presents Santa was bringing. A very clever come-back by a liberal reader that saw it was, "Remove the aerator and give Mr. Terrorist Brownie a good ol’ dose of American justice!" That was meant to be a funny line in itself, but it became biting political commentary when he added a picture of Vice President Dick Cheney beside it. 

"Remove the aerator!"--It resonates like, "Hands Up, Do Not Shoot!" as phrases that further blur to distort solid reasons surrounding actions and diminish protections too. Both headlines had tabloid blow-back about the defense of U.S. residents that protected them from domestic and foreign bad guys. Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO out on bail awaiting a September 2014 trial for a November 2013 armed burglary, was again wanted in August, 2014 as a strong-arm robbery suspect and was shot and killed as he first attacked an officer in his car and then came back on him like a running freight train.

Terrorist Khalid Sheikh MohammedTerrorists Abu Zubaydah, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri were subjected to "water conditioning procedures" to extract terrorist attack plans. James Mitchell, a former U.S. Air Force psychologist, confirmed that the waterboarding of Mohammed, which the Senate report erroneously said occurred 183 times, was actually "83 pours (of water) that lasted between one to 10 seconds” each. This is hardly anything like any ISIS brutal beatings, severed body parts, decapitated heads that they have as preferred torture methods.

Obviously, the magnitude of these two situations are different, but both as news items are measured by the perception of crisis levels on how public opinion reacts. They were both considered by the mainstream press as national concerns, affecting everyone equally in their daily lives. There were 130 out of nearly 14 Million Blacks that were killed by police in 2013 according to FBI statistics, the numbers that Eric Holder himself reports, I accept them as fact. I think the Centers for Diseases Control, CDC, in Atlanta have really more alarming statistics as they reported: 

Statistics: Blacks were 55% of shooting homicide victims in 2010, but 13% of the population. ...May 21, 2013 ... from firearm injuries, mainly through suicide (19,392) and homicide (11,078), according to CDC compilation of data from death certificates.  Whoa! ...Suicides? ...Homicides, mostly Black on Black? So just who does the Justice Department really worry about gun controls for as Blacks kill themselves?
​CDC: Black suicide/homicide gun.

By contrast, whites are underrepresented; whites were 25% of the victims of gun homicide in 2010, but 65% of the population. For Hispanics, the 17% share of gun homicide victims was about equal to their 16% proportion of the total population.

Factoid: A high-performance faucet aerator can reduce faucet water use by 77%. It only permits a flow of 0.5 gallons of water per minute when most houses do not have pressure regulators which can affect water flow capacity too. Otherwise, unrestricted flows can Assume Average Pressure. (20-100PSI) about 12f/s flow velocity equals 14 gallons of water per minute. [Of course, this is useless trivia since terrorist interrogators just use a bucket of water.]

If we are waterboarding any individuals, they are humanely conducting this "water-conditioning procedure" with maximum discomfort while affording those individuals "time-out moments" to rethink over sharing their ideas or having conversations.

How many of these tortured individuals ended up dead after such methods were used? Can anyone count how many of our dead citizens due to terrorists were in the 2000 USS Cole soldiers attacked in Yemen, 9/11/01 U.S. plane crashes, U.S. soldiers in 1983 Beirut barracks bombing, U.S. soldiers fighting since 2001 in Afghanistan or 2003 in Iraq or American reporters and foreign aide workers?