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Entries in Dreams of My Father (1)


Obama's Own Drug Plan

With prescription drugs tougher to get, addicts are increasingly turning to heroin. Here, a 22-year-old heroin user shoots up at a park in Seattle, WA.In 2013, Heroin use in the U.S. is soaring, especially in rural areas, amid ample supply and a shift away from costlier prescription narcotics that are becoming tougher to acquire.

The heroin scourge has been driven largely by a law-enforcement crackdown on illicit use of prescription pain-killers such as oxycodone and drug-company reformulations that make the pills harder to crush and snort, drug officials say. That has pushed those who were addicted to the pills to turn to heroin; aka smack, tar, horse, which is cheaper and more plentiful.

One user said, "You can shoot cocaine and snort heroin. You can also smoke both, but they have to be altered to be smokable. Heroin is a downer, and an opiate. Cocaine is a very powerful stimulant and will make you feel like you are "Living life in the fast lane." Heroin is more of a chill inducing high, its very euphoric and is overall more enjoyable. However, your first few times doing coke can be a very powerful experience. The energy and confidence it gives you is fucking [sic] great." 

Does it bother you that the most powerful man on the planet was a longtime drug user for 12 years? - From his high school years, 13 years old, through college, 25 years old as Obama documented in his book Dreams of My Father

Consider the egotistical arrogance of Obama's self-justification to use drugs, which further mainstreams peer level acceptance to young users, within his book Dreams of My Father passage:

"I had learned not to care. ... Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it.  Not smack, though[.] ... Junkie.  Pothead.  That's where I'd be headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man. Except the highs hadn't been about that, me trying to prove what a down brother I was. I got just the opposite effect, something that could push questions of who I was out of my mind, something that could flatten out the landscape of my heart, blur the edges of my memory." -- Book: Dreams of My Father - B. Obama

Stripped of his fancy self-indulgent euphemisms, what has Obama really said?  In boring translation: I started "snorting coke", or "blow", and "toking joints", smoking Marijuana, because I wanted to fit in, but I continued to use them because I got hooked on the sensation of losing contact with reality. How then is Obama different from any other "junkie" or "pothead"?

So, what a load of horseshit! Obama grappled as to glorify, even immortalize his cool drug abuse habit, to excuse that in the beginning it was about seeking peer approval on "what a down brother", "just like the others", he was in order to fit in with friends.  Obama admitted he and his friends at the very exclusive, private expensive Punahou School in Hawaii called themselves the “Choom Gang” — choom in Hawaiian means smoking weed and drove around in a Volkswagen bus called the “Choomwagon” and spent some time together smoking marijuana, doing some blow. (I guess Obama didn't go to public school either.)

I don't know about you readers, but when I was a high student, it in the infamous 1960s during the Hippies, drugs and "Summer of Love" decade. I never used cocaine, even "when I could afford it" and did not hang out with any hard drug users considering them losers.  I tried marijuana, I did inhale, but I coughed too much preferring cigarettes and beer instead. This is not holier-than-thou preaching. In high school, I had a few friends who smoked marijuana and hashish who could afford it and very regularly.  I didn't disown them for it, but I also never chose to join them in it. One doesn't have to I discovered, not even if you "find yourself" through a drug induced mental haze to become President.

Obama further elevated drugs up to his own higher nobler cause, his Cocaine and Marijuana use also became part of his own "drugs of choice therapy" to overcome a personal identity struggle -- about pushing "questions of who he was" out of his mind, about flattening his bumpy heart, about blurring "the edges of his memory." -- it sounds more like a Presidential endorsement of "how to find one's own drug therapy" or "a druggie's mantra on how to attain nirvana" - read below a clinical review of "short-term effects" of cocaine.

"Cocaine causes a short-lived, intense high that is immediately followed by the opposite—intense depression, edginess and a craving for more of the drug. People who use it often don’t eat or sleep properly. They can experience greatly increased heart rate, muscle spasms and convulsions. The drug can make people feel paranoid, angry, hostile and anxious—even when they aren’t high." -- "As cocaine interferes with the way the brain processes chemicals, one needs more and more of the drug just to feel “normal.” --

I just have to ask why Barack Obama felt it was wise, even instructive to publicly repeat all of these drug use details to young impressionable minds in his book - sadly, the irretrievable damage has been done. It's ironic that Obama has made quite clear that it's off limits about his birth certificate records, college files as a foreign or non-resident student status and college scholastic records. So then, anyone should only hear Obama say two words, "No comment", as the only answer about his drug use too - What have Obama and the DEA done recently to stem Mexican border drug smuggling?  - Running any more guns lately to the cartels?