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Entries in Dumbing Down the Electorate (1)


Obamacare Dumbing Down Details - KISS

Does it ever feel like you are swimming upstream against the flow?--after all, going downstream is so mainstream.

As one senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his cell phone rang. Answering, he heard his wife's voice urgently warning him, "Herman, I just heard on the news that there''s a car going the wrong way on Route 280. Please be careful!" -- "It's not just one car," said Herman, "It's hundreds of them!"

Now depending on how one looks at that senior citizen's dilemma he is in trouble going either way. Why? Because the politically liberal left-wing electorate is the majority which is going in their direction leading to socioeconomic ruin while conservatives risk life and limb to circumvent the massive liberal stampede to evade ultimate ruination through unbridled Federal government largess. Simply put, we are running up debt and more taxes with no budget anywhere to be seen, but both parties want to raise the debt ceiling so we don't have a shutdown.  Why can't we shut down and let those Washington politicians take heat for a change? Anyway, it's going to be a real mess in fiscal 2014-15 as the Obamacare rolls out more taxes with high insurance premiums too.

So, what can conservatives do?--noisily honk their horns and frantically wave out theirFamily text and don't talk anymore. car windows at the parade of wrong-way cars passing by? It may get their initial attention, but they do not stop long enough to listen. It is symptomatic of a state or mindset created by all the social-entertainment media that allows people to react like Pavlovian dogs salivating for food at the signal of a bell ringing. Those damn hand-held PDA are to blame, for all of the buzz-word challenged that is 'personal digital assistants.' For example, your Girl Friday, 'Siri', on the Apple iPhones offers a range of help from telling you where you are, where you want go, why you want go and when you want go; and 'Siri' can even verbally instruct you on how you want to go to get there too.

Obama, while keeping a low profile, meanwhile is implementing 'KISS Rules--Keep It Simple Stupid' as he dribbles out more information on Obamacare - 'his legacy.' Obama simultaneously and dramatically increased social media activities promoting Obamacare on Linkedin, digg, tumblr., Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Yelp*, ad infinitum and the White House website. Hopefully, Republicans are learning how to implement this powerful social, mass-media, content manipulation, it works!

Hmmn... and this is a breathing, educated electorate that knows how to think for themselves when they vote?--"Houston, we have a problem!"