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Entries in Freedom of the Press (2)


The Evening News with Lying Williams & Dan Blather

The truth is that left-wing newscasters have lots of "egg on their faces" having done embarrassingly foolish unforced errors to themselves, which is totally self-deprecating in their zeal to push false narratives about people and events. After all, any story that elevates them, distorts opponents' views or simply omits any newsworthy events that could reflect poorly on their liberal biased reportage is skillfully extracted from coverage. Their insanity only worsens as no one is rarely held accountable or roasted over the ultra-liberal news cycles unless the reporter is a conservative, so they are given a pass. So, it is when omelets are served upon the faces of the liberal, main stream press it can hardly be ignored.  Enjoy.....sunny-side up or scrambled?

Eleven years ago, in 2004, Dan Rather and CBS News broadcast an explosive report on the air national guard service of President George W. Bush. It was supposed to be the legendary newsman’s finest hour. Instead, it blew up in his face, tarnishing his career forever and casting a dark cloud of doubt and suspicion over his reporting—Dan had falsified documents and lied while trying to upend Bush during his reelection against Democrat John Kerry.

Twelve years ago, in 2003, Brian Williams and NBC News claimed that he was on-board a Chinook helicopter that was hit by two rockets and small arms fire in Iraq. It was said when in fact he arrived at the scene in a separate helicopter about an hour later and was never in any grave danger—Brian over the passing years has repeated this story many times, most notable on the March, 2013 David Letterman regaling in great detail about his courage under fire. 

"Kris “Tanto” Paronto, a former Army Ranger from 2nd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment and a survivor in the 2012 Benghazi Consulate attack, was outraged. "This is one of, if not the most despicable acts of lying to those who have served and the United States Citizens. He is stealing valor from those that have actually seen combat, been shot at with RPG's and small arms fire," he said. "I can tell you from firsthand experience that you do not misremember being shot at. This lie and continual lying to cover up the first lie says a lot about Mr. Williams’ character, or lack thereof. This is a serious offense."

I can only conclude eating a whole humble pie could not even approach all of the mea culpa that these two "reporters", "Lying" Williams and Dan "Blather," owe after have foisted upon the American public as many left-wing biased, unfactual reports aired as the real honest "Nightly News."

My dire warning is that this same ilk in the mainstream media is going into high gear to elect the next Democrat President on November 8, 2016—be wary about the political coverage of what is shown and not shown to sway your votes! 

Hint:  All 10 sec. soundbites in TV ads, Tweets, Emails, Facebook, and other social media are not geared for thinkers, Get the facts for yourselves to VOTE! 


A Real Turn-Off - Not Fox News

These advertisements are real. They appeared from 'nowhere' over four years ago. Apparently, it was a preemptive attack against a potentially harsh critic of liberal policies emanating from Washington, DC. Coincidentally, the FCC was then exploring a proposal for a mandatory "fairness doctrine" for the internet which would monitor web traffic for acceptable content allowed by government guidelines--connect the dots if you can. (By the way, it failed.)

This week, what is really news was no news--about a reporting travesty. Not from Fox News, but from the mainstream media on not airing any news about an alarming move again by the FCC. It's planning to perform a 'Critical Information Needs' study, CIN study, on the "balance and content" of media news subject matter according to U.S. Government guidelines mandated by FCC. The study will encompass eight areas on a checklist that the FCC feels the newsrooms should be covering. The purpose was based upon a mandatory regulation for a FCC report to congress every three years that explores any barriers that any small business or entrepreneurs have to gain entry into the communications industry --a thinly veiled ruse to tromp on our rights for freedom of the press to monitor and direct news content.

Of course, the media outlets participate in the study 'voluntarily', under 'no coersion', but are aware broadcast licenses are issued by FCC regulators--no 'external pressure' here? (By the way, it failed this week, but don't count the FCC out. They want to 'redesign' the study now and go forward with it--beware, it's never over for progressive liberal media control.)

FACTOID: , and did not experience any 'barriers' to the communication industry nor any 'restrictions' about news and information topics. With the freedom and vast access to the virtual Internet and hosting platforms, the opportunities and outlets are limitless. After all, today with cable and satellite connections anyone can find anything, anywhere, at any time--no Federal oversight intrusion is welcome or needed from the FCC. 

Kudos and congratulations to Mr. Ajit Pai, the only FCC Commissioner, one out of five board members, who was really alarmed and truly disturbed because this study suddenly and mysteriously came out of nowhere. The board members did not work up or participate in planning the study, so Mr. Pai felt obligated to bring this up and out into the light of public scrutiny--now here's real transparency for a change! 

Time: 5:20

This is a great interview with Mr. Ajit Pai, the FCC Commissioner, who blew the whistle on the so-called "study" that the FCC wants to do, that would send agents with probing questions into every newsroom - Federal Government watchdog spies.