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Entries in George Will (1)


George Will Has Really Wet His Pants!

OMG!  How crazy insane is this George Will? It's all about the Democrat National Committee Bernie Sanders' email scandal that's showing the outright collusion by Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Shultz to exclude Bernie Sanders' campaign supporters in favor of Hillary Clinton rigging the system which has now forced Debbie to resign. 

It happened on a Special FOX Election News Headquarters panel with Bret Baier the afternoon before the Democratic Party National Convention opened on Monday night. George Will attempted to answer the wild allegations thrown out by the Democrat Party how at the behest of the Russians their Wiki-Leaks hackers have invaded the Democrat National Committee computers.

George Will peed in his pants with excitement as he viciously relished alleging reasons why Donald Trump has still not released his income tax return. Will said that it will show Trump has taken monies from billionaire Russian Oligarchs. Therefore, Donald Trump conspired and colluded with Wiki-Leaks to attack Hillary Clinton's campaign! ...Where's the proof George?  

A more important point ...Did Trump also make Debbie Wasserman Shultz say those things in the first place?  ...Huh? 

Does anyone have a muzzle and a tranquilizer gun to calm ole George Will down since he has been frothing at the mouth ever since he was proven wrong time and again during the primaries as Donald Trump was winning the popular votes? With every state win, ole George Will has gotten even more sour faced!  He is now building up into a constipation moment next! He is getting ready to have a big shit if Trump wins too! ...The DEMOs and the RINOs, like Will and Jebbie Bush, are going to need colostomy bags next! ..otherwise, it's going to be real messy!