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Entries in Hilary (1)


I Promise! ...It's in the Mail.

It sounds innocent enough, after all it can't hurt the system, or maybe there's more here than just the time issue.  How about the Hatch Act, which governs the political activities of federal workers?

The Office of Special Council (OSC), the federal agency that oversees government practices just revealed in July, 2017 about an ongoing investigation. Under the law, employees can individually apply for "leave without pay" for any reason. The senior leaders in the USPS, however, "improperly coordinated" with the National Association of Letter Carriers Union (NALC) to engineer "time off" for nearly 100 employees for electioneering purposes last year.

Those employees joined an AFL-CIO union program for Political Campaigning. The NALC union provided names, and the USPS headquarters sent out in email "directives," telling local offices to grant special leave requests. These employees were sometimes granted leave over the objections of local postmasters, who faced staffing shortages and overtime costs too. Hello?  ...more snail-mail deliveries here?

These USPO employees who joined AFL-CIO program worked directly for the Hillary Clinton campaign and other democrat candidates. They were paid with union funds collected from the dues of all members, no matter what political party.

The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) has been charged with "unconstitutional bias" in favor of union-based candidates, meaning Democrats. A quirk in the federal law permits official time off, so agencies aren't required to track or report those hours.  In May, 2017 the house passed a bill sponsored by Rep. Dennis Ross (R.,FL) that requires the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to compile statistics on official time each year.  

Boy, now look out!  How the unions are hollering and then Democrats will be filibustering!  ~ and this is transparency & accountability?